Thursday, August 15, 2019

For or against racial profiling Essay Essay

Write an essay that presents your opinion on racial profiling. Begin with a debatable thesis statement. Then follow the guidelines for writing an argument essay. As you write your essay, be sure you support your opinions with reasons. ESSAY OUTLINE INTRODUCTION (5-7 sentences) 1. Hook (1-2 sentences) 2. Background information (3-4 sentences) 3. Thesis Statement (1-2 sentences) BODY PARAGRAPH 1 (REASON 1) 1. Topic Sentence (1 sentence) 2. One piece of evidence with citation 3. Commentary sentences (2-3 sentences) 4. Second piece of evidence with citation 5. Commentary sentences (2-3 sentences) 6. Transition/ Closing Sentence (1 sentence) BODY PARAGRAPH 2 (REASON 2) 1. Topic Sentence (1 sentence) 2. One piece of evidence with citation 3. Commentary sentences (2-3 sentences) 4. Second piece of evidence with citation 5. Commentary sentences (2-3 sentences) 6. Transition/ Closing Sentence (1 sentence) BODY PARAGRAPH 3 (COUNTERARGUMENT AND REFUTATION) 1. Topic Sentence (1 sentence) 2. Opposing side’s argument evidence with citation 3. Refutation argument 1 (2-3 sentences) 4. Refutation 2 (2-3 sentences) 5. Transition/ Closing Sentence (1 sentence) CONCLUSION (5-7 sentences) 1. Restate your thesis statement 2. Sum up your two arguments 3. Ask â€Å"so what?† questions (2-3 sentences) BRAINSTORM ARGUMENTS Arguments for racial profiling Arguments against racial profiling *In persuasion, we use the term arguments to mean reasons. Which arguments do you find most persuasive? Which side will you argue in your essay? I will argue that __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. My 2 arguments will be (choose 2 from the table above): The best argument for the opposing side is ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. Thesis Statement (main idea of my essay): __________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. FINDING EVIDENCE Now that you have your thesis statement and your arguments laid out, you need to find evidence to support those arguments. EVIDENCE CAN INCLUDE: Facts from your sources (newspaper articles, USDA website) Statistics Quotes from experts like spokespeople for companies, university professors, scientists who study nutrition, and experts on psychology or advertising Personal experiences or observations Go through your articles in the racial profiling packet and put an arrow next to any evidence you may plan to use for your two main arguments and your argument for the opposing side. Write the number of the body paragraph (1,2,3) next the evidence you plan to use in your essay. TWO SAMPLE MLA IN-TEXT CITATIONS 1. Introduce the source and author In â€Å"If You Pitch It, They Will Eat† Davis Barboza argues, â€Å"Television, of course, remains the most powerful medium for selling to children† (39). 2. Put whole citation after the quote (author and page number) The article says, â€Å"Television, of course, remains the most powerful medium for selling to children† (Barboza 39). Never ever write (pg. 39)!!!!! MLA NEWSPAPER CITATION A works cited page always puts the sources in alphabetical order by the author’s last name and is double-spaced. FORMAT Author’s last name, first name. â€Å" Title of the article †. Newspaper publisher. Day month year of publication, Pages. SAMPLE CITATION Barboza, David. â€Å"If You Pitch It, They Will Eat†. The New York Times. 3 Aug. 2003, 37-41. RACIAL PROFILING ESSAY: BODY PARAGRAPH 1 OUTLINE TOPIC SENTENCE EVIDENCE/QUOTE 1 with source (â€Å"article title† and author) COMMENTARY (Why is this evidence important? How does it relate to the thesis?) EVIDENCE/QUOTE 2 with source (â€Å"article title† and author) COMMENTARY (Why is this evidence important? How does it relate to the thesis?) TRANSITION/ CLOSING SENTENCE RACIAL PROFILING ESSAY: BODY PARAGRAPH 2 OUTLINE TOPIC SENTENCE EVIDENCE/QUOTE 1 with source (â€Å"article title† and author) COMMENTARY (Why is this evidence important? How does it relate to the thesis?) EVIDENCE/QUOTE 2 with source (â€Å"article title† and author) COMMENTARY (Why is this evidence important? How does it relate to the thesis?) TRANSITION/ CLOSING SENTENCE BODY PARAGRAPH 3 COUNTERARGUMENT AND REFUTATION The topic sentence for body paragraph 3 will be the opposing side’s argument and will include one piece of evidence to support their claim (the opposite of your thesis). For your two refutations you will explain why the opposing side is wrong. Use two pieces of evidence to support your argument. TOPIC SENTENCE (OPPOSING SIDE’S ARGUMENT) OPPOSING EVIDENCE/QUOTE REFUTATION 1 EVIDENCE REFUTATION 2 EVIDENCE TRANSITION/ CLOSING SENTENCE

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