Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Literature Review Summary on Total Quality Management

Literature Review Summary Quality assurance is the act of analyzing processes and monitoring operations to ensure that high quality standards are being met at all times. There are many models that can be used to meet these objectives and also many matrices that can be formed to monitor quality. Furthermore, several tools can be consistently engaged to monitor the quality assurance measures and serve as the basis in which the management can try to minimize the chances of such problems occurring in the future. Such tools can be used as part of a more comprehensive Total Quality Management (TQM) approach. TQM is one management perspective in which the goal of this approach is to foster improvements on a continual basis, which often relies on tools such as dashboards. The ultimate goal of a TQM approach is to create a defect free experience for the consumers. Training programs can demand a significant investment from an organization in regard to both time and money and the benefits from this investment are often difficult to quantify. Despite this, if a training program is effective and the employees are able to acquire skills that are transferable to their work roles then this can work to add substantial value to the organization in terms of human capital. Training effectiveness in such programs is possible to determine because in training generally is designed around the achievement of a particular desired outcome. However, even though the transfer of training may beShow MoreRelatedPatient Satisfaction, Hospital Readmissions, The Number Of Physician And Emergency Department Visits1189 Words   |  5 Pagesself-management, health outcomes, morbidity, and mortality. Surprisingly, there are many positive effects of using telemedicine in managing chronic heart failure patients. 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