Thursday, June 20, 2019

Parent Involvement in schools Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Parent Involvement in schooldayss - Research Paper ExampleIt is because of this that children whose parent participates actively in their childrens teaching method have a lavishly level of academic achievement due to this motivation (Hornby and Lafaele, 2011).In addition, parental involvement should be encouraged due to its impact on the working relationships put in schools, especially surrounded by and amongst different school parties. With this in mind, parents get an opportunity to improve the socialization skills of their children with their teachers and other members of staff, as well as amongst themselves, which is of the essence(p) for academic networking. Parental involvement therefore should be active as it also boosts the morale of teachers in imparting education on children, as teachers embrace the interest of parents as motivation to have their children moulded into responsible citizens and members of society, where the teacher is the key.School responsibilities in ensuring parental participation lies in different factors that entail both the schools interests and those of the parent, as well as those of the child (Sitton, n.d). It is because of this that the school has the largest responsibility in ensuring that parental cooperation and involvement in a childs education in that schools spend large amounts of time with children. Putting this into perspective means that schools should put in more effort in drawing the parents to the school to encounter that which their children go through in learning. In addition to this, teachers in in spending more time with children should know the interest of the children, which is information to be shared with parents for the best interests of children. This makes the school the guardian of the children, where it is up to the school to come with strategies to meet the parent and create forums in which to foster a healthy relationship between

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