Tuesday, April 30, 2019

How was Nazi Concentration Camp worser than Soviet Concentration Camps Movie Review

How was Nazi ingress Camp worser than Soviet Concentration Camps - Movie Review ExampleThey killed millions of multitude for political gains. In the end, it all boils down to quality vs. quantity. under(a) which regimen did more people died? Vs. which regime killed more brutally?The popular perception is that perhaps Stalin regime probably killed cold more people than the Nazis. But records from relevant sources (scholars from Poland, Israel and Germany) show that Stalin regime killed removed less(prenominal) people than Nazis. The Nazi regime focused their attention on one race. Holocaust was targeted towards Jews and the majority of them were excruciate to death or died from starvation. Stalin regime did kill millions of people in Gulag but these numbers are far less than Nazi killings.There is a certain reason as to why the Holocaust is considered far worse than the crimes committed by the Stalin. Labeling an entire race of people as outcasts is more brutal than purpose po litical excuses to take peoples lives. People who suffered under Stalin regime probably could have instal an excuse to spare their lives by paying strict taxes but Jews had no chance under Hitlers rein. They were either supposed to flea of die.It is sad and satirical to count dead bodies and claim a winner in this debate. Numbers of killings doesnt matter. Its about human lives and tragedy that was hammered down upon people spiritedness in both countries. Some people say that the number in Stalin camps were far more than the people at Nazi concentration camp. But when a loved one is lost, it is only the family that actually suffers and knows how much(prenominal) it hurts. For instance the argument about the number of people who were murder at Treblinka whether they were 780,862 or 780,863 doesnt serve much sense. It is a huge number and the tragedy doesnt subside by thinking that it is a huge number. The individual life matters and there is no truth beyond that. All these people were macrocosm and they left loved ones to mourn their death.Nazis killed much more people than

UAE Security and the Effect of Technology and Car Bombs Essay

UAE Security and the Effect of Technology and Car Bombs - Essay ExampleAs the intervention stresses engineering science has enabled terrorists design car bombs. The car bombs in employment today are likely to defecate greater blowup. The perpetrator can easily deliver the bomb to the target area. Due to the close proximity, the explosion has the potential of causing indiscriminate mass destruction. The existent of the car bombs increases the need for tighter tribute. Stringent checking of cars driving into decisive structures and other crucial areas like airports is proving necessary in most parts of the world.From the report it is clear that the UAE region is prone to terrorist attacks being an economically vibrant region. Police reports from this region indicate that they have been using applied science to palliate and protect any form of terrorist attacks. UAE launched an onusive grimace recognition system in 2008. The technology of face recognition the states are using is one of the most efficient and has the ability to mesmerise seventh cranial nerve images and recognize them. Through this technology, they ensure that their borders are safe. Due to the efficiency of the face recognition system, they can mitigate any attack and monitor the entry of people into the region. This helps them keep off terrorists before their entry.Reports from the Abu Dhabi police surgical incision reveal that the face recognition system seeks to provide increased security to the community. The system has the ability to capture images and by means of a high-resolution technology produce images that ease identification. The system can attract subjects of provoke and capture facial features and is not prone to any form of distortion. The region is aware of the possible security threats. It aims at protecting each business despite the size. Many enterprises have an access control system, biometric security, CCTV surveillances, and the face recognition system. other( a) security solutions are in place. All these are only possible through technology application. All these aim at ensuring a high level of civil security at a time when the use of conventional weapons has reportedly caused a lot of damage in umteen places of the world (Abu Dhabi Police DHQ, 2012). The UAE region also needs to improve the security to its critical structures. In summing up to the security solutions, the states should focus on hardening walls of buildings. The hardening of walls involves in cooperating material that can resist the effect of any bomb or conventional weapon. The new technology ensures that any successful attacks produce token(prenominal) damage. The hardening of walls is a proactive measure that increases civil security. It is effective in preventing property damage and flavor loss. In case of attacks, buildings with hardened critical structures resist the pressure and cannot collapse easily. Research shows that during an explosion, the collapsing bui lding has much effects on the people than the real weapon. Understanding this fact should be a guideline to the UAE to use an extensive blast design in the architecture of its critical structures. Hardening the walls is one of the available technologies. Other available technologies include the use of blast-resistant glass in construction. Other studies

Monday, April 29, 2019

Critically analyse the relative merits of the Capital Asset Pricing Assignment

Critically analyse the relation merits of the Capital Asset Pricing Model and empirical approaches to Asset pricing (such as FAMA and French pretence) - designation ExampleThe staple fiber essence of the model is that it determines the amount of requite that an investor is going to earn for putting their funds at fortune.It would be helpful to have a brief and basic idea about the invention of CAPM with the intention that the understanding of relative merits of it becomes easy. According to the model and ultimate derivation, it can be said that the return which an investor expects to earn by investing on a security or a portfolio is the rate on a endangerment-free security and a jeopardize premium. The formula for this finding is written likeThe basic concept behind the above model is that the investors are required to be compensated in both ways risk and time value of money. The compensation for time value of money is represented by the risk-free rate which an investor ea rns by putting his money on investment over a achievement of time. The other part of the formula on the right hand side is a factor of risk and it determines the compensation the investors should get for taking an additional amount of risk. This amount is calculated by a risk measure (beta). There are certain implications of the modelAccording to Michailidis (2006), an examination of the emerging Greek Securities trade was done based on the CAPM by considering weekly stock returns of 100 companies that were listed on the Athens downslope Exchange for the period 1998-2002. The findings of the test did not support the basic statement that higher risk (beta) promoter higher levels of return. However the model explains excess return and ultimately supports the linear structure of the CAPM equation (Michailidis & Et. Al., 2006).The model considers reality in explaining risk factor where it assumes only systematic risk associated with the investment options. The unsystematic risk can be removed since there are diversified options for investors and thus can be eliminated.CAPM derives a theoretical relationship between return and

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Individual Report (IMC) tools on (Brecon Jazz Festival) Essay

Individual Report (IMC) tools on (Brecon Jazz Festival) - Essay prototypeThe festival was held in 1984 for the maiden time. Usually the number is held in the first week of August. This year the event would be held on 11th of August. The main objective is the festival is to bring Jazz lovers from conglomerate part of the world. But the significance of the program is actually more than just music, as such events help the democracy of Wales to improve tourism and boost economy. It is believed that the difference between a successful event and a not so successful unmatched lies in the essence of good selling and intercourse plan. Experts believe that one of the best ways to market an event is through suing all the elements of the communion immix i.e. through integrate merchandise communications or IMC. The study looks to focus on the analysis of various elements of the communications mix and the implications of various elements of the communication mix in order to market the event effectively to the target sense of hearing (Henry, 2008, p. 89). Literature Review Marketing mix is a set of elements that a company or as a matter of fact any organization can use to its advantage for the marketing purpose. Neil Borden first termed these elements as marketing mix. Later E. Jerome McCarthy reduced the twelve elements to for elements and termed those four elements as the four Ps of marketing. The four Ps of marketing would be product, price, place, promotion. The integrated marketing communication belongs to the 4th P- furtherance. Promotion means to convey the main attributes of the product to the customers. Promotion is mainly used by the marketers to generate essential among the audience. Mainly marketers use the promotional mix or the communication mix to promote a product. The various elements of the promotional mix are Advertisement, Sales Promotion, Public Relation, Personal Selling and Direct Marketing (Kotler, 2001, p. 25). As the business environm ent became competitive, the marketers felt a need for a more integrated approach towards the marketing and communication process giving birth to integrated marketing and communications approach. IMC can be outlined as an integrative approach to achieve efficiency through synergy. IMC approach involves the application of all communication elements that allows an organization to express itself with one voice and one look (Proctor, 2002, p.121). IMC is a customer centric marketing and communications approach which helps an organization to integrate all the elements of the promotional mix to position and promote a product or business in the market. The American Marketing Association has defined IMC as a concept that identifies the value of a detailed and comprehensive plan that evaluates the key strategic roles of various mediums and techniques of communication to maximize the impact of communication . (Czinzota, Ronkainen, Moffett, Marinova & Marinov, 2009, pp. 423-429). Across the glo be there happens to be continuity in the de-regulation in market and emergence of customized segmentation customer tastes and preferences. Therefore IMC has not been an easy process as it had to pull off with various internal and external changes such as the rise of the digital medium, consumer empowerment, fragmentation of media, increase in advertisement clutter, etc. Among this the rise of the

Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Major Negative Effect of the Technological Developments Essay

The Major Negative Effect of the Technological Developments - Essay Example note contaminant also results due to the emissions from motor vehicles and it has been study that the smoke from the motor cars tends to contain fine particles. These small particles lay effect on the vasculature of human beings and promote cardiac problems. A study conducted by Dr. Robert contribute and his colleagues at the University of Michigan highlighted this aspect that the traffic smoke was very dangerous for the cardiovascular system. He analyzed that after individuals inhale particles in the smoke of vehicles, they experience a rise in their blood tweet which is accompanied by alterations in their vasculature after a day of the exposure. The heartbeat also increases (Park 2009). Water pollution is also very harmful and it mainly results from the dumping of toxic wastes in the urine beyond the limits stack by the governments of the beas. In the city of Charleston located in the state of We st Virginia in the get together States, industries dump their wastes in the water which results in the presence of metals like nickel and lead in the water supply which reaches the houses of the individuals residing in the city. This water pollution can serve to have serious health effectuate on the individuals who come in contact with this water. This polluted water in Charleston was linked with discase lesions for the people in the city and it was analyzed that their normal functioning of the nervous and renal system may also be compromised. Furthermore, it was highlighted that this water pollution increased the susceptibility for the development of cancer. It is hence very requisite that this problem of water pollution should be controlled as almost one out of every 10 Americans has had exposure to contaminated water (Duhigg 2009). The pollution of the territory is also very dangerous. The dumping of chemicals results in polluting the soil which becomes a reservoir for d iseases. In the United States, in California as well as Wisconsin, the fertilizers that are used are derived from the excreta of animals. These fertilizers not only contaminate the soil but also fathom the underground water.

Friday, April 26, 2019

How the French and Indian War affected the outcome of the 7 years war Research Paper

How the French and Indian warfare affected the outcome of the 7 years war - seek Paper ExampleOverview Even though the root of the conflict in Europe was the competition surrounded by Austria and Prussia for possession of Silesia, the prevailing subject of the clash amid France and Britain was power over trade and commerce with the colonies in North America, Africa, and India.1 The specific target of both these nations was the very lucrative Atlantic trade constitution. This trade system transported slaves from Africa to the New World to work in the cultivation of specific agricultural goods, such as lumber, cotton, rice, and sugar.2 The vulgar materials were afterward transported to Europe for manufacturing and consumption. Processed goods that were not bought in Europe were returned to the American colonies and Africa for another trade or use.3 Although France controlled the production of sugar in the Caribbean, Britain supervised the goods produced in the North American colon ies. The same competition between the two nations was present in India for cotton, spices, and tea. This economic competition between Britain and France in North America motivate the seven Years fight.4 By 1753, French colonists had started inhabiting the Ohio River Valley. The French had strong, positive ties with the Native Americans and aimed to enhance trading traffic with them. The British settlers, who refused to be restricted to the Atlantic coastal areas, saw this French attempt as a danger to westward expansion and responded with aggression.5 Virginias governor deployed a group of mercenaries headed by George Washington to comport the British cause in the Ohio River Valley and to contest the attempts of France toward expansion. Constructing a small fortification nearby modern Pittsburgh, the militia of Washington failed in their attempt to assault the French at Fort Duquesne.6 The British forces were resisted and pushed to back away to their fort, where the French att acked them. After incurring heavy casualties, Washington was compelled to lay down arms. This fight is regarded to be the kickoff of the French-Indian part of the Seven Years War.7 With the collaboration between France and the natives in North America, the battle emerged quickly in Europe. In early 1756, through the Convention of Westminster, Britain took Prussia as its ally. The French directly allied with Austria. The coalitions of the War of Austrian Succession were upturned, with Prussia and Britain going against Austria and France.8 Sweden and Russia eventually entered the Franco-Austrian coalition. The influence of the French-Indian War on the outcome of the Seven Years War was worldwide. The impact of the war was also enduring, with its consequences still felt and seen in the 21st century.9 The French and Indian War Implication for the Seven Years War Because of the war, both Britain and France incurred heavy financial loses at the end of the Seven Years War, with serious lo ng-term consequences. The war further raised the national debt of Britain. The Crown, trying to find shipway to settle the debt, obliged its colonies to pay additional taxes.10 The colonies responded to these measures with more intense resistance, until forces were deployed to make sure that the Crowns agents could safely carry out their obligations. These steps finally resulted in the American Revolutionary War. Likewise, the financial puzzle and military