Friday, April 26, 2019

How the French and Indian War affected the outcome of the 7 years war Research Paper

How the French and Indian warfare affected the outcome of the 7 years war - seek Paper ExampleOverview Even though the root of the conflict in Europe was the competition surrounded by Austria and Prussia for possession of Silesia, the prevailing subject of the clash amid France and Britain was power over trade and commerce with the colonies in North America, Africa, and India.1 The specific target of both these nations was the very lucrative Atlantic trade constitution. This trade system transported slaves from Africa to the New World to work in the cultivation of specific agricultural goods, such as lumber, cotton, rice, and sugar.2 The vulgar materials were afterward transported to Europe for manufacturing and consumption. Processed goods that were not bought in Europe were returned to the American colonies and Africa for another trade or use.3 Although France controlled the production of sugar in the Caribbean, Britain supervised the goods produced in the North American colon ies. The same competition between the two nations was present in India for cotton, spices, and tea. This economic competition between Britain and France in North America motivate the seven Years fight.4 By 1753, French colonists had started inhabiting the Ohio River Valley. The French had strong, positive ties with the Native Americans and aimed to enhance trading traffic with them. The British settlers, who refused to be restricted to the Atlantic coastal areas, saw this French attempt as a danger to westward expansion and responded with aggression.5 Virginias governor deployed a group of mercenaries headed by George Washington to comport the British cause in the Ohio River Valley and to contest the attempts of France toward expansion. Constructing a small fortification nearby modern Pittsburgh, the militia of Washington failed in their attempt to assault the French at Fort Duquesne.6 The British forces were resisted and pushed to back away to their fort, where the French att acked them. After incurring heavy casualties, Washington was compelled to lay down arms. This fight is regarded to be the kickoff of the French-Indian part of the Seven Years War.7 With the collaboration between France and the natives in North America, the battle emerged quickly in Europe. In early 1756, through the Convention of Westminster, Britain took Prussia as its ally. The French directly allied with Austria. The coalitions of the War of Austrian Succession were upturned, with Prussia and Britain going against Austria and France.8 Sweden and Russia eventually entered the Franco-Austrian coalition. The influence of the French-Indian War on the outcome of the Seven Years War was worldwide. The impact of the war was also enduring, with its consequences still felt and seen in the 21st century.9 The French and Indian War Implication for the Seven Years War Because of the war, both Britain and France incurred heavy financial loses at the end of the Seven Years War, with serious lo ng-term consequences. The war further raised the national debt of Britain. The Crown, trying to find shipway to settle the debt, obliged its colonies to pay additional taxes.10 The colonies responded to these measures with more intense resistance, until forces were deployed to make sure that the Crowns agents could safely carry out their obligations. These steps finally resulted in the American Revolutionary War. Likewise, the financial puzzle and military

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