Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Major Negative Effect of the Technological Developments Essay

The Major Negative Effect of the Technological Developments - Essay Example note contaminant also results due to the emissions from motor vehicles and it has been study that the smoke from the motor cars tends to contain fine particles. These small particles lay effect on the vasculature of human beings and promote cardiac problems. A study conducted by Dr. Robert contribute and his colleagues at the University of Michigan highlighted this aspect that the traffic smoke was very dangerous for the cardiovascular system. He analyzed that after individuals inhale particles in the smoke of vehicles, they experience a rise in their blood tweet which is accompanied by alterations in their vasculature after a day of the exposure. The heartbeat also increases (Park 2009). Water pollution is also very harmful and it mainly results from the dumping of toxic wastes in the urine beyond the limits stack by the governments of the beas. In the city of Charleston located in the state of We st Virginia in the get together States, industries dump their wastes in the water which results in the presence of metals like nickel and lead in the water supply which reaches the houses of the individuals residing in the city. This water pollution can serve to have serious health effectuate on the individuals who come in contact with this water. This polluted water in Charleston was linked with discase lesions for the people in the city and it was analyzed that their normal functioning of the nervous and renal system may also be compromised. Furthermore, it was highlighted that this water pollution increased the susceptibility for the development of cancer. It is hence very requisite that this problem of water pollution should be controlled as almost one out of every 10 Americans has had exposure to contaminated water (Duhigg 2009). The pollution of the territory is also very dangerous. The dumping of chemicals results in polluting the soil which becomes a reservoir for d iseases. In the United States, in California as well as Wisconsin, the fertilizers that are used are derived from the excreta of animals. These fertilizers not only contaminate the soil but also fathom the underground water.

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