Tuesday, April 30, 2019

UAE Security and the Effect of Technology and Car Bombs Essay

UAE Security and the Effect of Technology and Car Bombs - Essay ExampleAs the intervention stresses engineering science has enabled terrorists design car bombs. The car bombs in employment today are likely to defecate greater blowup. The perpetrator can easily deliver the bomb to the target area. Due to the close proximity, the explosion has the potential of causing indiscriminate mass destruction. The existent of the car bombs increases the need for tighter tribute. Stringent checking of cars driving into decisive structures and other crucial areas like airports is proving necessary in most parts of the world.From the report it is clear that the UAE region is prone to terrorist attacks being an economically vibrant region. Police reports from this region indicate that they have been using applied science to palliate and protect any form of terrorist attacks. UAE launched an onusive grimace recognition system in 2008. The technology of face recognition the states are using is one of the most efficient and has the ability to mesmerise seventh cranial nerve images and recognize them. Through this technology, they ensure that their borders are safe. Due to the efficiency of the face recognition system, they can mitigate any attack and monitor the entry of people into the region. This helps them keep off terrorists before their entry.Reports from the Abu Dhabi police surgical incision reveal that the face recognition system seeks to provide increased security to the community. The system has the ability to capture images and by means of a high-resolution technology produce images that ease identification. The system can attract subjects of provoke and capture facial features and is not prone to any form of distortion. The region is aware of the possible security threats. It aims at protecting each business despite the size. Many enterprises have an access control system, biometric security, CCTV surveillances, and the face recognition system. other( a) security solutions are in place. All these are only possible through technology application. All these aim at ensuring a high level of civil security at a time when the use of conventional weapons has reportedly caused a lot of damage in umteen places of the world (Abu Dhabi Police DHQ, 2012). The UAE region also needs to improve the security to its critical structures. In summing up to the security solutions, the states should focus on hardening walls of buildings. The hardening of walls involves in cooperating material that can resist the effect of any bomb or conventional weapon. The new technology ensures that any successful attacks produce token(prenominal) damage. The hardening of walls is a proactive measure that increases civil security. It is effective in preventing property damage and flavor loss. In case of attacks, buildings with hardened critical structures resist the pressure and cannot collapse easily. Research shows that during an explosion, the collapsing bui lding has much effects on the people than the real weapon. Understanding this fact should be a guideline to the UAE to use an extensive blast design in the architecture of its critical structures. Hardening the walls is one of the available technologies. Other available technologies include the use of blast-resistant glass in construction. Other studies

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