Friday, May 31, 2019

The Maturation of Siddhartha :: Hesse Siddhartha Essays

The Maturation of Siddhartha         Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse is the story of a young Indian noble who ventures off in the world to find an understanding of the meaning of life.  His travel begins as a young  Brahmin  who yearned to unwind the complexities of his existence.  He ends as an old sage who has found peace within himself and his surroundings.  Throughout the book, Hesse in allows the reader to attract Siddharthas festering process both through his experiences, and people with whom he comes in contact.  During his journey, he makes a number of choices, turns, that put him on a path of his maturation which is marked by self discovery and independence. Siddharthas maturation is developed by three key events his meeting with Buddha, his attempted suicide, and the arrival/departure of his son, as they all contribute to his self discovery and individuality.         Siddharthas meeting with Gau tama, the Buddha, is the first key experience that contributes to his maturation process.  After several years of living the ascetic life of a Samana, Siddhartha decides to seek out Gautama, The Illustrious One, as a possible source of assistance in his journey to find his inner self.  After their meeting, however, Siddhartha becomes more persuade that the Buddhas methods satisfy his logical and tangible necessitate, but will not bring him any closer to realizing his spiritual and metaphysical needs.  The theme of maturity presents itself in Siddharthas refinement that if he is to achieve an immaterial balance, it must be on his own.  He understands that the Buddha had a remarkable experience, but it is a personal one.  Siddhartha sees that his development process relies on his forging his own experiences, and his attainment of self realization mickle only be made by himself, regardless of what knowledge Gautama may impart to him.          The insurgent experience that puts Siddhartha on a path to maturity is his attempted suicide.  Preceding this incident, Siddhartha made a complete turnaround and decided to explore his worldly needs and lives the life of a lover, merchant, and gambler.  As a student of lust under Kamala and money under Kamaswami, the protagonist becomes self centered, greedy, and no longer one who can think, fast, and write.  His time in the village is

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Theme of Hardship in The Grapes of Wrath Essay -- essays research pape

The Grapes of Wrath In the souls of the people, the grapes of wrath atomic number 18 filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage. This quote explains the whole book. It shows the people chip for their lives from the many hardships they face. Also, it shows that there is ups and downs in life and sometimes facing the wrath that life gives us. The first hardship in the book is when the Joads are forced saturnine their land. They have to overcome losing their home and basically their life. Also, the Joads can relate to many people because the bank took over their life. ?The bank is something more than,it?s the monster.? (33) This passage is real right because the bank takes over everything in everyone?s life. Next, the Joads had to become bigger than themselves. They had to drop their life and move to a different state. When they ar rived in California they were non accepted for who they are. To them California is a whole new universe. They were taunted and called ?Okies.? But, even before that Grandma Joad died, leaving Mama Joad very depressed. Then being to poor to support a funeral they had to just bury grandma in a random spot. The setting and time rate of flow would change the factor of the Joads life.First, if the Joads lived in this time period many of their hardships would be different. They wouldn?t have to live in a camp and the government would support them. When the Joads live in the camp they experience the founder part of their journey, While at Camp Weedpatch they receiveshelter and the essentials for every... ...he question of the book is when life gets hard stick through it and live as the high hat you can. The Joads answered the question. Life became hard for them and they stuck through it. At the very beginning they could have gave up but the y didn?t. They had a plan and went through with it. That?s why the Joads are ro-models for the families struggling. Steinbeck?s quote ?My whole work drive has been aimed at making people understand each new(prenominal).? This is also what the book is about. Understanding each other is the key to surviving. In conclusion, this book explains life itself. It shows life is not perfect and sometimes giving up everything is the way to survive. There is going to be hardships in life and there?s not. In the end, understand each other and never give up.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Do Sentences Have Identity? :: Equiformity Language Composition Papers

Do Sentences Have Identity?We study here equiformity, the standard indistinguishability measurement for sentences. This notion was put forward by Lesniewski, mentioned by Tarski and defined explicitly by Presburger. At the practical level this criterion seems workable but if the notion of sentence is taken as a unplumbed basis for logic and mathematics, it seems that this principle assholenot be maintained without vicious circle. It seems too that equiformity has some semantical features maybe this is not so clear for individual signs but sentences be often considered as meaningful combinations of signs. If meaning has to play a role, we are thus maybe in no better position than when dealing with identity criterion for propositions. In formal logic, one speaks rather about well-formed formulas, but closed formulas are called sentences because they are meaningful in the sense that they can be true or false. Formulas look better like mathematical objects than material inscription s and equiformity does not seem to apply to them. Various congruencies can be considered as identities between formulas and in particular to have the same synthetic form. One can say that the objects of study of logic are rather logical forms than sentences conceived as material inscriptions. 1. What is equiformity?Some logicians have rejected propositions in favour of sentences, arguing in particular that there is no satisfactory identity criterion for propositions (cf. Quine, 1970). But is there one for sentences? The idea that logic is about sentences rather than propositions and that sentences are nothing more that material inscriptions was already developed by Lesniewski, who also saw immediately the main difficulty of this conception and introduced the notion of equiformity to solve it. His attitude his well described in a footnote of one of Tarskis famous early papersAs already explained, sentences are here regarded as material objects (inscriptions). (...) It is not always possible to form the implication of twain sentences (they may occur in widely separated places). In order to simplify matters we have (...) committed an error this consists in identifying equiform sentences (as S. Lesniewski calls them). This error can be removed by interpreting S as the set of all types of sentences (and not of sentences) and by modifying in an analogous manner the intuitive sense of some other primitve concepts. In this connexion by the type of a sentence x we understand the set of all sentences which are equiform with x.

Management Functions :: essays research papers

abstractionI.OverviewII.Current Technology AssessmentIII. judge Chain AnalysisA.Value Chain DefinedB.Value Chain and the CustomerC.Technology Supporting military control Functions in the Value ChainD.Technology and Partnering ActivitiesIV. companionable considerA. Social Contract DefinedB. Social Contract in HistoryC.Social Contract in the line PerspectiveD.Regional issues with Social ContractsV.Global IssuesVI.Managing ChangesVII. final resultOverview In 1991, Microsoft Corp. became the first softw ar company to create its own computer light research organization. Microsoft has developed into a unique entity among corporate research labs, rapprochement an open academic model with an effective process for transferring its research to product maturation teams. Microsoft recognizes that to create the foundation for future technology breakthroughs, it is necessary to support long-run computer science research that is not bound by product cycles (http// x1/ emptor/outpdir.jsp?search=microsoft+products). Today, the world-renowned scientists of Microsoft Research make up one of the largest, fastest-growing, and most highly respected software research organizations in the world one that will dish out define and redefine the computing experience for millions of people for decades to come Microsoft offers a variety of products such as operating systems, business/personal management software, multi-media software, databases, and replace servers. They also provide help centers online and provide services over the cry to help you with any problem you are having with their products (http// Value Chain Analysis originally you can discuss Microsofts note value twine, you must first extrapolate what a value chain is. According to the Internet Center for Management and Business Administration, Inc., the value chain can be described asA way to analyze the specific activities through which firms can create a rivalrous advantage by modeling the firm as a chain of value-creating activities. ( article further describes the value chain as maintaining five primary activities (Inbound Logistics, Operations, outward-bound Logistics, Marketing & Sales, and Services). The goal of these activities is to create value that exceeds the cost of providing the product or service, thus generating a profit margin. ( The primary activities can be defined as Inbound logistics include the receiving, warehousing, and inventory control of input materials. Operations are the value-creating activities that transform the inputs into the final product. Outbound logistics refer to the activities required to get the product to the customer, including warehousing, rear fulfillment, etc. Marketing & Sales are those activities associated with getting buyers to purchase the product, including deal selection, advertising, pricing, etc. And Service, defined as activities that maintain and enhance the products value including customer support, repair services, etc. (QuickMBS.Management Functions essays research papers OutlineI.OverviewII.Current Technology AssessmentIII.Value Chain AnalysisA.Value Chain DefinedB.Value Chain and the CustomerC.Technology Supporting Business Functions in the Value ChainD.Technology and Partnering ActivitiesIV.Social ContractA. Social Contract DefinedB. Social Contract in HistoryC.Social Contract in the Business PerspectiveD.Regional issues with Social ContractsV.Global IssuesVI.Managing ChangesVII.ConclusionOverview In 1991, Microsoft Corp. became the first software company to create its own computer science research organization. Microsoft has developed into a unique entity among corporate research labs, balancing an open academic model with an effective process for transferring its research to product development teams. Microsoft recognizes that to create the foundation for future technology breakthroughs, it is necess ary to support long-term computer science research that is not bound by product cycles (http// Today, the world-renowned scientists of Microsoft Research make up one of the largest, fastest-growing, and most highly respected software research organizations in the world one that will help define and redefine the computing experience for millions of people for decades to come Microsoft offers a variety of products such as operating systems, business/personal management software, multi-media software, databases, and exchange servers. They also provide help centers online and provide services over the telephone to help you with any problem you are having with their products (http// Value Chain AnalysisBefore you can discuss Microsofts value chain, you must first understand what a value chain is. According to the Internet Center for Management and Business Administrati on, Inc., the value chain can be described asA way to analyze the specific activities through which firms can create a competitive advantage by modeling the firm as a chain of value-creating activities. ( article further describes the value chain as maintaining five primary activities (Inbound Logistics, Operations, Outbound Logistics, Marketing & Sales, and Services). The goal of these activities is to create value that exceeds the cost of providing the product or service, thus generating a profit margin. ( The primary activities can be defined as Inbound logistics include the receiving, warehousing, and inventory control of input materials. Operations are the value-creating activities that transform the inputs into the final product. Outbound logistics refer to the activities required to get the product to the customer, including warehousing, order fulfillment, etc. Marketing & Sales are those activities associated with getting buyers to purchase the p roduct, including channel selection, advertising, pricing, etc. And Service, defined as activities that maintain and enhance the products value including customer support, repair services, etc. (QuickMBS.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Essay on Shirley Jacksons The Lottery - Inhumanity Exposed

Inhumanity Exposed in The Lottery   The story authorise The Lottery, written by Shirley Jackson is an intriguing and shocking parable. The Lottery is set in a small village on a clear spend day. Written in objective third person point of view, The Lottery keeps the reader in suspense as the story progresses.           The story begins June 27th on a clear and sunnyfull-summer day. From the very beginning, irony occurs in the story. The author describes the day as clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day the flowers were blossoming abundantly and the grass was richly green. To describe such a beautiful day when the ending is so ill fated, is very ironic. The villagers, all three hundred of them, piece in the square. There is a feeling of excitement and relative normalcy as the people talk of their everyday happenings. The lottery is conducted by Mr. Summers, as he is the one that directs the civic activities of the town. The night before the lottery, all of the families have their names placed in a black box. The day of the lottery, Mr. Summers has each head of family vomit a slip of paper from the box. When each family has selected a slip, they all open the papers together. The Hutchinsons are the winners. The process then repeats but this time, ... ...lso to show the dark situation of American society and what it is capable of. This is similar to other points in history, such as slavery, the Salem witch trials, and the extermination of the American Indians. All three of those examples study inhumanity without the usual American apathy. Though inhumanity does exist, it is usually without active support. However in the examples mentioned before, people acted on their ordinarily latent barbarity. The Holocaust is another(prenominal) parallel to The Lottery. The senseless genocide of the Jewish populace is very much similar to the ridiculousness of the lottery. In essence, The Lottery, is a mirro r of the human subconscious.  

Essay on Shirley Jacksons The Lottery - Inhumanity Exposed

Inhumanity Exposed in The Lottery   The story entitled The Lottery, written by Shirley Jackson is an thought-provoking and shocking parable. The Lottery is set in a small village on a clear summer day. Written in objective trey person point of view, The Lottery keeps the reader in suspense as the story progresses.           The story begins June 27th on a clear and sunnyfull-summer day. From the very beginning, banter occurs in the story. The author describes the day as clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green. To describe such(prenominal) a beautiful day when the ending is so ill fated, is very ironic. The villagers, all three hundred of them, gather in the square. There is a trace of excitement and relative normalcy as the people talk of their everyday happenings. The lottery is conducted by Mr. Summers, as he is the one that directs the civic activi ties of the town. The night before the lottery, all of the families have their names placed in a black box. The day of the lottery, Mr. Summers has severally head of family draw a slip of paper from the box. When each family has selected a slip, they all open the papers together. The Hutchinsons are the winners. The process then repeats but this time, ... ...lso to show the dark side of American society and what it is capable of. This is alike(p) to other points in history, such as slavery, the Salem witch trials, and the extermination of the American Indians. All three of those examples involve inhumanity without the usual American apathy. though inhumanity does exist, it is usually without active support. However in the examples mentioned before, people acted on their ordinarily latent barbarity. The Holocaust is another parallel to The Lottery. The senseless genocide of the Jewish populace is very much similar to the ridiculousness of the lottery. In essence, The Lottery, is a mirror of the human subconscious.  

Monday, May 27, 2019

Procter & Gamble Financial Analysis Essay

What began as a small family-run candle and soap business, grew by dint of innovation, creative marketing and partnerships to become the largest consumer goods company in the world. William Procter, emigrating from England, established himself as a candle maker in Cincinnati, which was a busy center of craft and industry in the early nineteenth century. And mob Gamble, arriving from Ireland, apprenticed himself to a soap maker. The two might never have met had they not married sisters Olivia and Elizabeth Norris, whose beginner convinced his new sons-in-law to become business partners.As a result, in 1837, a bold new enterprise was born Procter & Gamble. William Procter was born in 1801 in England. As a boy, he worked as general store apprentice, learning to dip candles a skill that would later lead to both fame and fortune. His first entrepreneurial venture, however, met with disaster. The day after opening, his dry goods shop in London was robbed, leaving Procter $8,000 in deb t a huge sum in 1832. Determined to rebuild, he and his wife decided to immigrate to the United States. While traveling down the Ohio River, Mrs. Procter became ill and died a few months after their arrival in Cincinnati.Procter first worked in a bank. He then decided to use his past experience as a candle maker to earn extra income and help pay complete his debt. He took advantage of the fat and oil by-products from Cincinnatis large meatpacking industry. Procter began as a one- person operation manufacturing, selling and delivering candles to his customers in the area.During this era, he in like manner met and proposed to Olivia Norris, the daughter of a prominent candle maker in town, Alexander Norris. Meanwhile, James Gamble was born in 1803, in Ireland. He immigrated with his family to America in 1819 as part of a mass exodus from Northern Ireland. They were headed for Illinois, but during the trip, James Gamble, then 16, became violently ill his parents took him ashore i n Cincinnati. By the time James recovered, the family had decided to stay.At 18, James began an apprenticeship with a local soap maker, then years later, opened his own soap and candle shop with a friend. Before long, Gamble met and married Elizabeth Ann Norris, the second daughter of Alexander Norris.The business began during nationwide panic and depression. But the struggling young firm survived. Cincinnati proved a sound business base because as a meat packing center, it offered plenty of fat and oil for soap and candle making.The Procters eldest son, William A. Procter, was the first P&G President in 1890. Son Harley T. was the companys first Advertising and Sales Manager. He named Ivory Soap. The Gambles eldest son, James N. Gamble, invented Ivory Soap and founded the first laboratory in P&G history.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Project at Jamkash Vehicleades

A support REPORT ON ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE memorise & BUSINESS PROCESS AT JAMKASH VEHICLEADES Pvt. Ltd. (KASHMIR) (Authorized Dealership of MARUTI SUZUKI) BY TANWEER AHMAD UNDER THE GUIDENCE OF PROF. SANDEEP LONDHE SUBMITTED TO UNIVERSITY OF PUNE In the offendial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of clientele memorial tablet (MBA) Through ASMs Institute of Business Management and Research (I. B. M. R) Chinchwad, Pune 411019 Jamkash Vehicleades (Kashmir) Pvt. Ltd. (Authorised Dealers of MSIL)Hyderpora, By-pass Crossing, Srinagar, Kashmir- 190014 Ph. 0194-2432680, 2435576 Fax 0194-2435575 No. Date ___/___/______ TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that Mr. Tanweer Ahmad, student of Master of Business Administration (M. B. A) at Institute of Business Management and Research (I. B. M. R) Pune, Maharashtra, has completed his Summer Internship Project at our order from 10th of May 2012 to 19th of June 2012 i. e. 50 on the job(p) days. During this period, he reached in mingled de ramifyments of the company.He studied the Organizational mood & Business Process of Jamkash Vehicleades and also gave some recommendations for the improvement. He has an excellent command alone(a) over the cook and was found to be a dedicated, sincere and hardworking trainee during his training period with the company. We wish him both success in his future endeavours. Jamkash Vehicleades (Kashmir) Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Irfan Ahmad Narworoo CEO credit All Thanks to Al great powery Allah who gave me intellect to see & prep ar this Project Report.I express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Irfan Ahmad Narwaroo, Chief Executive Officer of Jamkash Vehicleades (Kashmir) Pvt. Ltd. for giving me the opportunity to do this study and undergo the process of learning. I thank him for all the trust and faith he posed in me and I moreover hope that I piddle been able to live up to his expectations. I would comparable to express my sincere gratitude to Pro f. Sandeep Londhe, my faculty guide who supported and guided me at each tincture to study and prep ar this report. I would also like to thank Mr.Owais Ahmad Rather, my company guide, who guided and supported me in framing the questionnaire and interpretation of selective information& provided me with a cle arr military position of the Organizational modality and Business Process of Jamkash Vehicleades by showing me practically and letting me interact with each and every departments employees. My sincere thank to Mr. Irfan Ahmad Parray (Sr. Marketing Manager) & Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Wani (Institutional gross revenue Manager) who also co-operated & helped me in this project. Mr. Farhan Ahmad Najjar, Mr. Sajjad Ahmad _Deputy Managers in bodied Sales & Mr.Aijaz Ahmad _Team Leader, also deserve un particular thanks in whose presence I learnt a lot about foodstuffing & selling the political machines to the corporates during my field visits. I establish no peeledords to express my tha nks to my sisters Nusrat Ahad and Nazima Ahad, who had been the source of inspiration, in decision make and in solving the complexities, which helped me to escalate and explore the ideas. My head bows with regards in front of my beloved Mother Miss. Rafiqa Banoo, whose blessings, fiscal and moral support helped me to complete this study.Last but non least I am thankful to all those who directly or indirectly supported me during this project. Tanweer Ahmad EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Project Title Organizational modality Study & Business Process Industry MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LIMITED Company Jamkash Vehicleades (Kashmir) mystical Limited. Chief Executive Officer Mr. Irfan Ahmad Narwaroo Company absorb Mr. Owais Ahmad Rather Faculty Guide Prof. Sandeep Londhe Students Name Tanweer AhmadObjectives Under the guidance of my Company Guide Mr. Owais Ahmad Rather following sub-projects were executed for the project. 1. Preparing a questionnaire tailored to the meet the withdraws of the g overning and conducting the questionnaire on all staff of Jamkash Vehicleades. 2. To rede the working environment of Jamkash Vehicleades 3. To understand the team/ free radical dynamics of Jamkash Vehicleades team formation, functions, coordination, and culture etc. 4. To study the existing HR manual / practices and suggest or recommend channelizes.Scope of the Study The scope of the study was limited to the Head office at Hyderpora Byepass Srinagar and regional offices at Ganderbal and Kupwara. Methodology The tools used were Questionnaire on Organization Climate Study and Business Process at Jamkash Vehicleades, semi-structured and un-structured interviews, discussion with the team members and leaders and regular observation of the work of the shaping Sources of Data pristine Primary sources of info included inter effects with CEO, Regional managers, employees, field staff and telephonic interviews with ex-employees. SecondarySecondary sources of data were the annual reports and other publications of the organization. Insights of the organization The organization has solid collaborationisms with major stakeh obsolescenters and has built good reputation in the domain. The organization has advantageously defined HR policies, Norms and Rules. The organization has good systems of Finance, Reporting, Audit, Appraisal etc. The organization is expanding its trading operations in polar corners of the valley & India. Certain activities be centralized at head office while other be universe begettere at branches. counselling on capacity building of the staff.Their recruitment and training has special focus. Participation in decision fashioning is encouraged. The CEO of the company is running the organization with full enthusiasm and energy. Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusion The data provided a description of a relatively young, well-educated and trained work force which received moderate levels of financial remuneration. The general pic ture emerging out of these give awayings indicate that overall a favourable climate exists in the organization. The organization has a pool of professionals which are working for a larger cause and meeting their professional satisfaction.However due to the rising prices there is a impoverishment to revise the financial policy relating to paradigm and modification on a regular basis. The organization shows capacious deal of transparency in decision making and shares cultivation across levels. The caution believes in having a participative lift to decision making. in that respect is enough autonomy to perform ones job. Also the organization offers enough scope for ain and professional growth. The leadership of the origination is approachable and is sensitive to the needs of the employees.At the same time there are roles and responsibilities to be performed and each one is held accountable for work. There is a great emphasis on capacity building and skill enhancement of the employees. As the organization is in its expansion phase, it promises its employees intensify roles and responsibilities. The organization needs to plan its workforce requirement in the teams so as to optimize the convergenceivity. In case of employees having multiple reporting, job description should be decided colligationly by the team leaders and made k directlyn to the employee.The organizational climate hindquarters become conducive to develop potential and competencies of the employees and provide opportunities for fulfilment. There is a need for an enhanced role of regional managers who should feel responsible for building a positive, motivating work culture which would ensure optimum utilization of the capabilities of the team members leading to ego and organizational effectiveness. Recommendations In the backdrop, certain areas were identified for improvement in the Organization and the findings were presented for the get byation of Jamkash Vehicleades for adoption.F ollowing recommendations were made 1. The policies of the employees regarding payment & benefit heapages like T. A, D. A, Insurance and others, need to be revised and raised considering the rise in inflation rate and cost of living. 2. Work related stress was also found to be 34% in level 3 & level 4 employees. Thus there is a need to strengthence these levels in terms of recruitment, induction and job related support. 3. There should be a constant evaluation and review of various organizational events. There is a need of a monitoring system which could ensure timely completion of processes. . Higher level employees gave slightly more than than favourable ratings than lower level employees, thus there is a need to investigate and improve these levels. 5. As the HR department has new-fashionedly been established the awareness level of HR policies among the employees is very low and even the HR Manual has been partn to limited no. of persons, thus it is recommended to conduct p rogrammes for every department key outly to make them aware about the HR policies and what functions HR department performs. 6. Recruitment of gross revenue force should be done very fairly and honestly.It needs to be improved through HR planning. Only the deserved abidedidates should be selected rather than on reference basis. 7. extremely qualified persons should be recruited especially M. B. A. s, M. Coms, B. Coms, and Graduates rather than 10th & 10+2, because they dont have a lot exposure of the real corporate realism. Also they dont have much fluency in speaking English. 8. Grievance Addressal Cell to be started. 9. Defined Travel Policy to be implemented. 10. unused joinees compliment to be done at early basis rather than delaying for calendar months. 11. Salary along with benefit packages as T. A, D.A and other incentives to be clubbed together & should be attribute to bank account by 1st week of every month rather than delaying for long time. 12. KRA system should b e conducted in a much transgress way to motivate the employees and reduce the Employee Turnover Ratio (ETR). 13. The compensation of employees needs to be raised according to profile, workload, efficiency, and work amaze. 14. Rules should be made in consensus with employees welfare. 15. Focus on minimising the time for documentation process like RC Book, Insurance Policy, Bills and Promotional Gift vouchers and Offers etc. S. NO. CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1. Introduction To The thing 9-11 2. Company Profile 12-24 3. Industry Profile 22-30 4. Scope Of Work 31-32 5. Objective Of The Project 33-34 6. Research Methodology 35-40 7. Data Analysis & commentary 41 8. Part-I (Business Process) 42-53 9. Part-II (Organization Climate Study) 54-77 10. Observations and Findings 78-80 11. Limitations of study 81-82 12. Suggestions and Recommendations 83-85 13. Conclusions 86-87 14. Bibliography 88-89 15. Annexure 90 put over/GRAPH NO. CONTENTS PAGE NO. Table 1 Awards & Accolades 1 6Table 2 Annual Sales Of Jamkash For The Last Five Years 20 Table 3 Annual Purchase And Sales In True Value 20 Table 4 Exchange sharpness Rate At Jamkash In TRUE pitch 20 CHAPTER -1 INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC The topic for my SIP has two two separate parts as _ Organizational Climate Study & Business Process of Jamkash Vehicleades (Kashmir) Pvt Ltd. These are introduced briefly as under Organizational Climate Study Organisational Climate studies the employees perceptions and perspectives of an organization. The surveys address attitudes and concerns that help the organization work with employees to instil positive changes.Organisational climate surveys increase productivity. Climate surveys soften employees a voice to assist in making desired transitions as smooth as possible. It also serves as a basis for quality improvements. By identifying areas of inefficiency and acting on performance barriers identified by employees of all levels, an organization gains a fresh and different perspective. Survey analysis identifies areas of employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction to facilitate management in the creation of greater workplace capital of New Hampshire and, therefore, increased productivity.Conclusions are drawn from the data, and recommendations are made to the management team. Additionally, climate surveys can set benchmarks for future surveys, which will allow more in-depth and time series analysis. Business Process Jamkash Vehicleades generates its revenue through different ways by which it has set an example of an emerging and successful business organization in the unanimous valley and has covered the maximum food marketplace share. With its effective implementation of innovative ideas promotional tools it succeeded in the establishment of new E-outlets in various districts of the valley.Nature of business Dealership, religious emolument Provider Processes * Sale of New Cars (MARUTI SUZUKI Cars Only) * Buying and Selling of Pre-Owned Cars i n TRUE VALUE (of any Company) * returns and Repairs Reason for selecting the topic There was a need to re-look the operational strategy and the internal systems to optimise the utilisation of resources particularly the human resources. It would help the organisation to harness the emerging opportunities and meet the upcoming challenges. For this purpose this study on Organisational Climate was undertaken.I selected this topic in golf-club to learn the Marketing Selling process in the real corporate and gain some experience out of it so that I can get the best placement opportunities from the leading companies later on seeing my experience in marketing sales. Apart from the sales I wanted to take a deep look into the Business Process of Jamkash Vehicleades so that it could help me in get the better idea and brainstorm of the business environment, how automobile companies generate their revenue. CHAPTER-2 COMPANY PROFILE JAMKASH VEHICLEADES (KASHMIR) PVT. LTD GENERAL INTRODUCTI ONJamkash Vehicleades is a unique and pioneering organisation working for near about a decennium in the valley with the maximum market share in its basket of achievements. It emerged to sell and serve the society with the quality products in Automobile sector ab initio in JAMMU KASHMIR. Jamkash Vehicleades is getting a number of opportunities and experiencing certain challenges in recent times. The opportunities include telling demand for its services from other states and growing interest on the part of many views to have E-outlets in those locations as well.To meet these demands and harness opportunities Jamkash Vehicleades moved to national and has opened new E-outlets at different locations recently. The challenges include start out and retain the higher position in the competitive market and create maximum employment opportunities for the local flock. A nonher challenge is to compete with the competitors new product designs, quality services and promotional tools. BRIEF H ISTORY * Jamkash Vehicleades, Kashmir is an authorized dealership of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. * It Commenced business on 8th Aug 2003.Since then it has been providing best services to its customers. * In gild to further reach to the rural customers of the Valley, it was the low gear dealership in J K to open E-outlets at Baramullah and Kupwara. * The Vehicleades Group is spread across 4 states (JK, Punjab, Himachal and New Delhi) and 17 locations. * It sells more than 16,000 cars and services more than 125,000 cars per annum. * Vehicleades is among the Top 5 Maruti dealers in the country. * Largest Dealer in Northern India. * It startedoperations in 1987, with an employee strength of 15, which now stands at 2000 plus. The success is attributed to the loyal patronage of esteemed customers, supported by an excellent, dedicated team. Commitment towards Customer Care, time has been apprehended by MSIL, in the form of numerous awards. We say Think Maruti, Think Vehicleades DEALERSHI PS Main Showroom * Jamkash Vehicleades, Hyderpora Byepass Srinagar, 2003 E-OUTLETS * Jamkash Vehicleades(Kmr), Baramullah (Opened on 1st Nov 2006, Average sale of 100 Vehicles, Showing tremendous growth YOY, inspite of being location susceptible to Militancy and frequent shutd take ins) * Jamkash Vehicleades(Kmr), Kupwara Opened on 1st Aug 2009, Average sale of 30 Vehicles, Covering very difficult and terrorism infested areas. ) UP feeler OUTLETS * Jamkash Vehicleades(Kmr), Ganderbal * Jamkash Vehicleades(Kmr), Magam * Jamkash Vehicleades(Kmr), Bandipora CEO/MD of Jamkash Vehicleades (KMR) Pvt. Ltd. MR. IRFAN AHMAD NARWAROO * He was born in 1964, of an engineer father, and a Doctor mother. * He has done his engineering from discipline Institute of Technology (NIT), early REC. * Area of specialization was Civil engineering. Professionally, he started out as an embedded engineer, but his move into automobile industry has an interesting story behind it. It was briefly after he fini shed his final exams in the yr 1988, he along with his friends was selected for the Team Gypsy which was a rally programme of Maruti Udyog in collaboration with JK Tourism. * At that time, there was no idea about the rallies it was just that how to drive a car. In that rally, he achieved 3rd national roam and when he came back, Dr. Farooq Abdullah, the then Chief Minister appreciated the team and even took them along to Delhi. He made us to participate in join of more rallies and in the same course of study, we again bagged 3rd National rank. * That was the turning point of his life, when he achieved the same rank twice and at that time, he decided that he should carve his future in the automobile sector. He was given an authorization letter by Maruti Udyog to start an automobile centre. Jamkash Vehicleades, Hyderpora, Byepass, Srinagar Table 1 AWARDS ACCOLADES All India Dealers convocation Held At Pattaya, Thailand 2012BEST SERVICE AWARD BEST E-OUTLET IN THE COUNTRYAll India Dealers Conference Held At Macau In 2010 BEST CUSTOMER RETENTION HIGHEST GROWTH ON HIGH rack BEST SHOWROOM E OUTLET (RUNNER UP) BEST SALES SATISFACTION FOR CITY BEST MARKETING INITIATIVES All India Dealer Conference Held At capital of Thailand In 2009 Fy-2008-2009 BEST exertion IN SPECIAL SCHEMES BY A DEALER BEST EMPLOYEE RETENTION(RUNNER-UP) HIGHEST NO. OF M 800 SOLD HIGHEST GROWTH IN completely MODEL DESPATCH HIGHEST GROWTH IN CLUB 500 DEALERS All India Dealer Conference Held At Istanbul Turkey In 2008 Fy-2007-2008 righteousness IN SALES(10000+ CLUB) EXCELLENCE IN SPARES PARTS HIGHEST MGA OFFTAKE PER VEHICLE(8000 VEHICLES) EXCELLENCE IN SALES HIGHEST NO OF M800 SOLD EXCELLENCE IN SERVICE-INNOVATIVE SERVICE MARKETING EXCELLENCE IN MARKETING-MOST CONSISTENT publicize THROUGHOUT THE YEAR All India Dealer Conference Held At Athens Greece In 2007 Fy-2006-2007 BEST PERFORMANCE SPECIAL SCHEMES (RUNNER-UP) BEST MI PERORMANCE N2 BEST PERFORMANCE IN RURAL MARKE TING COMPETITORS OF JAMKASH 1. Peaks Auto Pvt Ltd MARUTI SUZUKI 7. Fairdeal gos TATA, purchase order 2. HIGHLAND MARUTI SUZUKI8. K. C Motors Chevrolet 3. K. C HYUNDAI Hyundai 4. get over Ford 6. Ansari Toyota Toyota DEPARTMENTS AT JAMKASH VEHICLEADESThere are ten departments in the organization Admin HR SalesMarketing Service True Value Accessories Customer Care Insurance Maruti Driving School (MDS) BRIEF PERFORMANCE * Harnessed the huge potential of Kashmir market and started with an average sale of 250 fomites and servicing load of 950. * Now selling on an average 400 vehicles and servicing load of 3800 vehicles. * Tie-ups with seven leading Insurance Companies. 1. National Insurance 2. New India Insurance 3. Bajaj Alliance 4. Royal Sundaram 5. Iffco Tokyo world-wide Insurance . ICICI Lombard 7. Chola Mandalam * Excellent performance inspite of Kashmir problem, Terrorism and virtually a brokers Heaven. TRUE VALUE Monthly Purchase 30 40 vehicles (on average) Sale 40 50 v ehicles (on average) INSURANCE INSURANCE Monthly 2000 2500 cars are insured on average. PREMIUM Rs. 1. 25 crore as total premium is paid to Insurance companies. CLAIMS 700 claims/ month are entertained which costs Rs. 70 lacs. Cashless Facility Under which only depreciation touchstone has to be paid by the customer at the time of claim. TABLE 2ANNUAL SALES OF JAMKASH FOR THE LAST FIVE YEARS YEAR RETAILS of cars (in numbers) April 2007 March 2008 3516 cars 2008 2009 3431 2009 2010 3331 2010 2011 3979 2011 2012 3781 April May 2012 635 TABLE 3 ANNUAL PURCHASE AND SALES IN TRUE VALUE YEAR PURCHASES SALES April 2007 March 2008 226 220 2008 2009 191 186 2009 2010 257 242 2010 2011 303 296 2011 2012 394 374 April May 2012 - - TABLE 4 Exchange Penetration Rate* at Jamkash in TRUE VALUE YEAR %age April 2007 March 2008 6. 02% 2008 2009 5. 99% 009 2010 10. 92% 2010 2011 7. 04% 2011 2012 12. 25% * Exchange Penetration Customers sell their old cars to TRUE VALUE and buy new cars. CUSTOMER RETENTION Meaning Customer Retentionis the activity that a selling organization undertakes in order to reduce customer defections. Successful customer retention starts with the first contact an organisation has with a customer and continues throughout the entire lifetime of a relationship. For that Jamkash Vehicleades organises different events, programs and customer meetings to build a lifelong relationship. e. g. pull Competition between Children of existing customers * Customers Meeting day * Gift Ceremony * Teachers Day * Environment Day etc. How customers are retained in Jamkash Vehicleades Pvt. Ltd. * 72 Hr. s line Sales Follow up * Internal Feedback Card * 15 Days Post Sales Follow up * 20 Days Home Visit * Organize Different types of Events day to day * Organize Customer Meets every month with different themes * If any complaint, resolution within 2-3 days with a proper format. * Average resolution time (ART) as less as possible * CC/1000 break upd on the monthly basisEVENTS PROGRAMS FOR CUSTOMER RETENTION AT JAMKASH VEHICLEADES Customers Meeting Customers Meeting Teachers Day Teachers Day Gift Ceremony Gift Ceremony Drawing Competition Drawing Competition CHAPTER-3 INDUSTRY PROFILE OVERVIEW OF AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY Car manufacturing in India first began in late 1940s. Earlier a couple of cars made by foreign technology were manufactured in India. But now, cars made my Indian car manufacturers dominate the business. The future of car manufacturing in India is bright. feel this, foreign car manufacturers like Ford, Toyota, Hyundai, Suzuki, Honda and Skoda are spreading their base in the country. Domestic car manufacturers have also contributed to the growth of the automobile industry in India. REASONS OF GROWTH Economic liberalization, increase in per capita income, various tax relief policies, easy accessibility of finance, launch of new models and exciting discount offers made by dealers all together have resulted in to a stupendou s growth of Indian Automobile industry. MARKET SHAREAutomobile industry of India can be broadly categorise under passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, three wheelers and two wheelers, with two wheelers having a maximum market share of more than 75%. Automobile companies of India, Korea, Europe and lacquer have a significant hold on the Indian market share. Tata Motors produces maximum numbers of mid and large size commercial vehicles, holding more that 60% of the market share. Motorcycles top the charts of two wheelers with Hero Honda being the key player. Bajaj by far is the number one manufacturer of three wheelers in India.Passenger vehicle section is majorly ruled by the car manufacturers capturing over 82% of the total market share. Maruti since long has been the biggest car manufacturer and holds more that 50% of the entire market. orbicular recession has impacted the Indian automobile industry also and can be seen clearly in the sales figures of the last financial year. Even then this industry has high hopes in 2009-2010 as banks have reduced loan interest rates and the major chunk of automobile customers belong to the middle income group who are becoming economically stronger with every passing day.POPULAR CAR MANUFACTURERS IN INDIA * Maruti Suzuki Ltd. This is the first automobile company in the world to have an ISO 90002000 certificate. It has a joint venture with Suzuki Motor potty. The common models of this group are Maruti 800, low, Swift, Wagon-R and Zen. * General Motors India This global leader entered the Indian market as a joint venture with the C. K. now it is a fully owned subsidiary of the Birla Group. This group has also introduced cars like Chevrolet Optra and Chevrolet Tavera (MUV) in India. * Ford India Ltd. It was originally an American company.It entered the Indian market in the year 1988 and launched Ford Escort. The Ford Ikon launched in 2001 was a successful car in India. Other brands of Ford like Ford Fusion, Ford Fie sta, Ford Mondeo and Ford Endeavour also gained popularity in India. * Tata Motors Limited It is Indias largest automobile company, the largest commercial vehicle manufacturer, the second largest passenger car manufacturer in India and the fifth largest medium and heavy commercial vehicle manufacturer in the world. The popular brands of the company are Tata Indica, Tata Indigo, Tata Sumo and Tata Safari.Tata Nano Recently Tata Motors launched Indias cheapest car Tata Nano in one lakh rupees. * Toyota Kirloskar Motor Ltd With a joint venture with Toyota Motor Corporation Japan, the Kirloskar Group of India holds 89% equity of the company. The almost popular brands of this group in India are Camry, Corolla, Prado and Innova * Fiat India Private Ltd The Fiat India that belongs to the Fiat Auto Spa group of Italy gives world-class cars to the country. This group has entered the motor vehicle sector more than one hundred eld ago and has gain fame not only in India, but also abroad.Besi des Uno, which is Europes favorite car for the last two decades, the brands like Palio, Petra and Adventure have also become famous. * Hindustan Motors This flagship company of the C. K. Birla Group was established by Mr. B. M. Birla. Some of the most popular brands of this car manufacturer are Ambassador, Contessa and Mitsubishi Lancer. Other remarkable brands of this company are Trekker, Porter and Pushpak. * Hyundai Motor India Ltd Hyundai Motor India Limited (HMIL) is not only the second largest car manufacturer in India, but is also the fastest growing among the car manufacturers in India.The popularity of Santro, Getz, Accent, Elantra, Sonata Embera and Tuscon is check of its success. The company is an ISO 14001. Maruti Suzuki India Limited is a publicly listed automaker in India. It is a leading four-wheeler automobile manufacturer in South Asia. Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan holds a majority stake in the company. It was the first company in India to mass-produce and sel l more than a million cars. It is largely ascribe for having brought in an automobile revolution to India. It is the market leader in India and on 17 September 2007, Maruti Udyog was renamed Maruti Suzuki India Limited.PROFILE Maruti Suzuki plant in Gurgaon Maruti Suzuki is one of Indias leading automobile manufacturers and the market leader in the car segment, some(prenominal) in terms of volume of vehicles exchange and revenue earned. Until recently, 18. 28% of the company was owned by the Indian government, and 54. 2% by Suzuki of Japan. The Indian government held an initial public offering of 25% of the company in June 2003. As of May 10, 2007, Govt. of India sold its complete share to Indian financial institutions. With this, Govt. of India no longer has stake in Maruti Udyog.Maruti Udyog Limited (MUL) was established in February 1981, though the actual production commenced in 1983 with the Maruti 800, based on the Suzuki Alto kei car which at the time was the only modern ca r on hand(predicate) in India, its only competitors- the Hindustan Ambassador and Premier Padmini were both around 25 years out of date at that point. Through 2004, Maruti has produced over 5 Million vehicles. Marutis are sold in India and various several other countries, depending upon export orders. Cars similar to Marutis (but not manufactured by Maruti Udyog) are sold by Suzuki and manufactured in Pakistan and other South Asian countries.The company annually exports more than 50,000 cars and has an extremely large domestic market in India selling over 730,000 cars annually. Maruti 800, till 2004, was the Indias largest selling compact car ever since it was launched in 1983. much than a million units of this car have been sold worldwide so far. Currently, Maruti Alto and Alto K10 tops the sales charts and Maruti Swift is the largest selling in A2 segment. due(p) to the large number of Maruti 800s sold in the Indian market, the term Maruti is commonly used to refer to this com pact car model.Till recently the term Maruti, in popular Indian culture, was associated to the Maruti 800 model. Maruti Suzuki India Limited, a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan, has been the leader of the Indian car market for over two decades. Its manufacturing facilities are located at two facilities Gurgaon and Manesar south of New Delhi. Marutis Gurgaon facility has an installed capacity of 350,000 units per annum. The Manesar facilities, launched in February 2007 comprise a vehicle assembly plant with a capacity of 100,000 units per year and a Diesel Engine plant with an annual capacity of 100,000 engines and transmissions.Manesar and Gurgaon facilities have a combined capability to produce over 700,000 units annually. More than half the cars sold in India are Maruti cars. The company is a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan, which owns 54. 2 per cent of Maruti. The rest is owned by the public and financial institutions. It is listed on the Bombay clov e pink Exchange and National Stock Exchange in India. During 2007-08, Maruti Suzuki sold 764,842 cars, of which 53,024 were exported. In all, over six million Maruti cars are on Indian roads since the first car was rolled out on December 14, 1983.Vision The leader in the India Automobile Industry, Creating Customer Delight and Shareholders Wealth A vainglory of India We must be an internationally competitive company in terms of our products and services. We must retain our leadership in India and should also aspire to be among the global players. Mission To provide a wide range of modern, high quality fuel efficient vehicles in order to meet the need of different customers, both in domestic and export markets. To provide maximum value for money to their customers through continuous improvement of products and services.Maruti has a network of 391 sales outlets across 230 cities all over India. The service network covers 1,113 towns and cities, bolstered by 2,142 authorized service o utlets. The companys change in strategy and emphasis on developing effective marketing colloquys was their highlights. Mr. Shinzo Nakanishi MD CEO Mr. D. S. Brar Director Mr. R. C. Bhargava Chairman Mr. Mavinder Singh Banga Director Mr. Tsuneo Ohashi Director Mr. Keiichi Asai Director Mr. Shinzo Nakanishi MD CEO Mr. D. S. Brar Director Mr. R. C. Bhargava Chairman Mr. Mavinder Singh Banga Director Mr.Tsuneo Ohashi Director Mr. Keiichi Asai Director MANAGING luggage compartment PRODUCTS Maruti Suzuki offers 16 models of cars 1. Maruti 800 2. Omni 3. Alto 4. Wagon R 5. A Star 6. Versa 7. Ritz 8. Gypsy 9. Zen Estilo 10. Ertiga 11. Swift 12. Swift Dzire 13. Eeco 14. SX4 15. Grand Vitara 16. Kizashi Swift, Swift Dzire, A star and SX4 are manufactured in Manesar, Grand Vitara imported from Japan as a completely built unit (CBU), remaining all models are manufactured in Maruti Suzukis Gurgaon Plant. Suzuki Motor Corporation, the parent company, is a global leader in mini and compact car s for three decades.Suzukis technical superiority lies in its ability to pack power and performance into a compact, lightweight engine that is clean and fuel efficient. Maruti is clearly an employer of choice for automotive engineers and young managers from across the country. Nearly 75,000 people are employed directly by Maruti and its partners. FACILITIES Indian Four Wheeler Industry The Four-Wheeler Industry in India has not quite matched up to the performance of its counterparts in other parts of the world. The primary reason for this has been the all-pervasive regulatory atmosphere prevailing till the opening up of the industry in the mid-1990s.The various layers of legislative Acts render the industry from external competition for a long time. Moreover, the industry was considered low-priority as cars were thought of as unaffordable luxury. Post Liberalization, the car market in India have been in a b ginger uponing stage with all types of cars flooding the market in order to meet the demands of Indian customers who are increasingly exposed to state of the world automobiles and want the best when it comes to purchasing a car. It is expected that by 2030, the Indian car market will be the 3rd largest car market across the globe.The main encouraging factors for the success story of the car market in India are the increase in the opportunity for new investments, the rise in the gross domestic product rate, the growing per capita income, massive population, and high ownership capacity. The liberalization policies followed by the Indian government had been inviting foreign players to participate in the car market in India. The recent trend within the new generation to get work in the software based sector has led to the rise in the income level and change in the lifestyle significantly, which has further led to the increase in the demand for luxurious cars among them.The car Market in India is crowded with all varieties of car models like the small cars, mid -size cars, luxury cars, super luxury cars, and sports utility vehicles. Initially the most popular car model dominating the Car Market in India was the Ambassador, which that today gave way to numerous new models like Hyundai, Honda, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Bentley and many others. Moreover, there are many other models of cars in the pipeline, to be launched in the car market in India. Some of the leading brands dominating the car market in India at present are Hindustan Motors, Reva Electric Car Co. Fiat India Private Ltd. , Daimler Chrysler India Private Ltd, Ford India Ltd. , Honda Siel Cars India Ltd. , General Motors India, Hyundai Motors India Ltd. , Skoda Auto India Private Ltd. , and Toyota Kirloskar Motor Ltd. Since the demand for foreign cars are increasing with time, big brands like Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen, Aston Martin, Ferrari, and Rolls-Royce have long since made a foray into the Indian car market. Facts about Indian Car Market Although the Indian automobile industry h as come a long way since the deregulation in 1993, India does not rank well among its global eers in many respects, viz. , the contribution of the sector to industrial output, number of cars per person, employment by the sector as a percentage of industrial employment, number of months income take to purchase a car, and penetration of cars. Figure- Passenger vehicle stock per 100 people India is far behind from other countries with just 6. 9 cars per 100 persons, while Unites States has 76. 9 cars on per 100 persons. Among developing countries, Russia also stands ahead than India and China with 16. 3 cars per 100 persons.Two things that stunted growth of the Indian automobile industry in the past have been low demand and lack of vision on the part of the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). However, the demand has picked up after the liberalization of the regulatory environment, and global OEMs who enjoy scale economies both in terms of manufacturing and inquiry and developmen t (RD) entered the Indian market. This has resulted in a significant shift in the way business is conducted by suppliers, assemblers and marketers. CHAPTER-4 SCOPE OF WORK SCOPE OF WORK The scope of the study was limited to the Head office at Hyderpora Byepass Srinagar, non for * Regional offices at Baramullah, Kupwara and * Recently started E-outlets at Ganderbal, Bandipora, and Magam. This study will definitely help me in gaining the experience and getting the exposure of the Real Corporate World and lastly it will help me in achieving some mastery over the marketing. CHAPTER-5 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT WORK OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT 1. 1 PRIMARY OBJECTIVE * To get familiar with How the Corporate works * To study about the Organization climate. * To study the overall Business Process of Jamkash Vehicleades. To analyse the organisations current position in the competitive market. 1. 2 SECONDARY OBJECTIVE * To gain the experience and get the exposure of the Real Corporate World. * To make the study a success for the organisation in bringing some positive change. * To forward the complaints of customers to Service Manager and CRM. * To know the expectations and suggestions of the customers towards improvements in the car and after sale service. * To know the satisfaction level of employees as well as customers of Jamkash Vehicleades. CHAPTER-6 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 6. 1 WHAT IS RESEARCH?Research is creative work undertaken systematically to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humanity, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. It is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, supporttheorems, or develop newtheories. A research project may also be an expansion on past work in the field. To test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of prior projects, or the project as a whole.The prim ary purposes of basic research are documentation,discovery,interpretation, or theresearch and developmentof methods and systems for the advancement of humanknowledge. Approaches to research depend onepistemologies, which vary well both within and between humanities and sciences. There are several forms of research scientific, humanities, artistic, economic, social, business, etc. 6. 2 MEANING Research in common accent refers to a search for knowledge. Research can also be defined as a scientific search for pertinent information on a specific topic.In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. Some people consider research a movement from known to the unknown. It is actually a voyage of discovery. 6. 3 DEFINITION A broad definition of research is given by Martin Shuttle Worth In the broadest sense of the word, the definition of research includes any crowd of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. Another definition of research is given by Creswe ll who states Research is a process of steps used to pull and analyse information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue.It consists of three steps Pose a question, collect data to answer the question, and present an answer to the question. The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines research in more detail as a studious inquiry or examination especially investigation or experiment aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws. 6. 4 WHAT IS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY? Methodologyis generally a guideline system for solving a problem, with specific components such as phases, tasks, methods, techniques and tools.It can be defined also as follows 1. theanalysisof the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline 2. the systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within a discipline 3. the study o r description of methods. A methodology can be considered to include multiple methods, each as applied to various facets of the whole scope of the methodology. The research can be divided between two parts they are qualitative research and duodecimal research. 6. 5 RESEARCH PROCESSResearch is often conducted using the hourglass model structure of research. The hourglass model starts with a broad spectrum for research, focusing in on the required information through the method of the project (like the neck of the hourglass), then expands the research in the form of discussion and results. The major steps in conducting research are * IDENTIFICATION OF RESEARCH PROBLEM * LITERATURE REVIEW * SPECIFYING THE PURPOSE OF RESEARCH * DETERMINE SPECIFIC RESEARCH QUESTIONS OR HYPOTHESES * information COLLECTION * ANALYSING AND INTERPRETING THE DATA * REPORTING AND EVALUATING RESEARCHThe steps generally represent the overall process however they should be viewed as an ever-changing process rat her than a fixed set of steps. Most researches begin with a general debate of the problem, or rather, the purpose for engaging in the study. The literature review identifies flaws or holes in previous research which provides justification for the study. Often, a literature review is conducted in a given subject area before a research question is identified. A offer in the current literature, as identified by a researcher, then engenders a research question. The research question may be parallel to the shot.The hypothesis is the supposition to be tested. The researcher(s) collects data to test the hypothesis. The researcher(s) then analyses and interprets the data via a variety of statistical methods, engaging in what is known asEmpirical research. The results of the data analysis in confirming or failing to reject theNull hypothesisare then reported and evaluated. At the end the researcher may discuss avenues for further research. Methodology Under the methodology, the first chal lenge was to choose a framework and accordingly choose the other criteria like data sources and tools to collect the data. ) Framework Used for Organisational Understanding There are several frameworks, which can be applied to study organisation climate. Some of these are * Litwin Stringer, (1968)- organisational attribute approach * Schneider and Barlett (1968,1970)-individual attribute approach Litwin Stringer, (1968) has given a macro perspective of analysing the organisation. According to them, Climate can be defined as the perceived attributes of an organisation and its sub-systems as reflected in the way an organisation deals with its members, groups and issues.The emphasis is on perceived attributes and the working of sub-systems. This frame work emphasises on motivational linkages and seems to be quite applicable for canvas organisational climate. Litwin Stringer, (1968) Model A brief The framework considers six motives relevant for organisational climate. 1. Achievemen t this motive is characterised by concern for excellence competition against standards set by others or by oneself, the setting of challenging goals for oneself, awareness of the obstacles that might be encountered in attempting to achieve these goals, and persistence in trying alternative paths to ones goals. . lick this motive is characterised by a concern for making an impact on the others, a desire to make people do what one thinks is right and an urge to change situations and develop people. 3. Control this is characterised by a concern for orderliness, a desire to be and stay informed, an urge to monitor events and to make corrective action when needed, and a need to display personal power. 4. Extension this is characterised by a concern for others, interest in super ordinate goals, and an urge to be relevant and useful to large groups, including society as a whole. . Dependency This motive is characterised by a desire for the assistance of the others in developing onese lf, a need to check with significant others (those who are more knowing or have a higher status, experts, close associates and so on), a tendency to submit ideas or proposals for the approval, and an urge to maintain a relationship based on the other persons approval. 6. Affiliation this is characterised by a concern for the establishing and maintaining close personal relationships, and emphasis on friendship, and a tendency to express ones emotions.Schneider and Barlett (1968, 1970)-individual attribute approach Schneider and Barlett view organisational climate as perceptual as well as an individual attribute. Climate in this approach is viewed as summary or global perception held by individuals about their organisational environment. Some of them are encompassed by the work environment scale developed by Moos in 1994. It includes various broad dimensions like Involvement, Co-worker, Cohesion, Supervisor Support, Autonomy, Task Orientation, Work Pressure, Clarity, Managerial Cont rol, Innovation, Physical pull and others.The summary perceptions of all the individuals taken together reflect an interaction between personal and organisational characteristics, in which the individual by forms climate perceptions. This paper basically tries to understand the organisation on the basis of individual attribute approach. b) Data sources and tools used 1. Primary Sources Primary sources of data included interactions with CEO, regional managers, employees, field staff and telephonic interviews with ex-employees. Tool used * Structured Questionnaire * Interaction with the EmployeesConducting Organisational Climate study required the preparation of a detailed questionnaire which could capture all possible areas of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of employees. For this I circulated questionnaires to all Jamkash Vehicleades employees and mentioned the objectives of my study. I highlighted some points which could help employees in knowing about the importance of organisat ional Climate study. This was to create awareness among the employees about the study being conducted and how important their participation is, to make the study a success for the organisation in bringing some positive change.The questionnaire included 24+12 questions on separate topics (Annexure 1- Part One Part Two). There were questions on a 5 point scale, where 1 was the least satisfaction level and 5 was the most satisfaction level. There were also some open ended questions and objectives (Yes/No) questions. The questionnaire was tailor made to meet the needs of the organisation. Questions on HR issues formed major part of the survey. I personally met with all Jamkash Vehicleades employees requested them to fill it on the spot. Receptivity to participating in the survey varied tremendously.Since the process was confidential most of the employees thus far did not want to mention their names/ positions. However some of them freely gave their responses. To understand the organis ation climate from a macro perspective I broadly interacted with the senior staff and CEO of the organisation. In order to understand the group dynamics I attended the various training programs organised at various clusters where I met many officials and beneficiaries and tried to get a holistic understanding of the organization in which hardly a(prenominal) dynamic personalities were Mr. Owais Ahmad Rather (Human Resource Manager)Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Wani (Institutional sales Manager) Mr. compeer Firdous Ahmad (DGM Marketing Sales) Mr. Irfan Ahmad Parray (Sr. Marketing Manager) Mr. Sajjad Ahmad (Deputy General Manager, Marketing) and many distinguished personalities. In the process, personally I also met with all employees of the organisation and interacted with them. 2. Secondary sources The major sources of secondary data were the documents and records of the organization, the annual reports and the literature review. CHAPTER-7 DATA ANALYSIS INTERPRETATION Part-I Business Proce ss OfJamkash Vehicleades FOR SALES 1. Were the following things available at Jamkash Showroom? Tick Yes/ No. Particulars Yes No Product Information 20 - Price List 20 - Broachers/ Catalogues 17 3 Display Car 16 4 Friendly Environment 14 6 Proper Seating Arrangement 20 - Interpretation Overall maximum number of customers watch with the statement that all the things were available at Jamkash Showroom. It can be understood from the analysis that Jamkash is progressing and winning the hearts of the customers through new innovations and attractive tools. . Was the test drive of your car readily available at Jamkash? Options Results Yes 12 No 8 Total 20 Interpretation Out of the total sample size 60% said that the test drive of their vehicle was available at Jamkash Vehicleades. However, the remaining 40% had not taken a test drive. The reason being they had purchased their vehicles during the time of protests and strikes in Kashmir Valley. So it was not possible to give a test drive of the vehicles freely. 3. Was the car delivered to you at the promised date and time? Options Results Yes 17No 3 Total 20 Interpretation Majority of the customers are happy for car delivery on time 85% of the customers agree with the statement. However only 15% dont agree with this. The reason might be strikes and protests at the time of delivery of the vehicle. 4. How would you rate the overall Jamkashs Sales Executives Insurance Executives about product knowledge, behaviour, and approach till the delivery of your new car? Particulars Results Excellent 6 Good 11 Average 3 baffling - Very Bad - Total 20 InterpretationOverall maximum customers rated the Jamkash Staff and executives as good. Some rated them as excellent while some rated as average. 55% rated as Good, 30% rated as excellent, and 15% rated them as average. It can be imagined and realised that no customer rated the Jamkash executives as bad or very bad it clearly states that the employees of Jamkash Vehicleades a re very much experienced and knowledgeable without giving any materialise of complaint to customer(s). 5. Do you think that the time taken for service / repair was sufficient / reasonable? Options Results Yes 17 No 3Total 20 Interpretation Jamkash Vehicleades is considered as No. 1. Service provider in the whole valley. It is the only dealership in the whole valley that has its service centres in other districts also. So the organization has covered the maximum market of the valley. From the survey it was found that 80% of the customers were satisfied with the service of Jamkash Vehicleades. Exception is of only few customers which will not be considered. FOR SERVICE 6. At the time of the delivery of serviced car, was the Service adviser present? Options Results Yes 15 No 5Total 20 Interpretation After purchasing a vehicle, at the time of delivery, presence of service advisor is very important. He makes the customer aware about Dos Donts and gives him all the needful information about the service timings and generally trains him for minor repairs of the vehicle himself in case of emergency. 75% said that the Service Advisor was present at time of delivery. Only 25% do not agree with this. 7. Did you receive any phone call from Jamkash before and after servicing of your vehicle? Options Results Yes 20 No - Total 20 InterpretationJamkash Vehicleades is very much effective in critical reviews of the customers. It is one of the tools for Customer Retention. For that Jamkash customer worry calls the customer before and after the service to make them aware about the servicing dates and other issues. From the data collected after survey it was seen that the customer follow-up process is 100% done fairly effectively at Jamkash. 8. Are you satisfied after servicing your car at Jamkash Vehicleades workshop? Options Results Yes 16 No 4 Total 20 Interpretation 80% of the customers are satisfied with the services of Jamkash Vehicleades.The reason behind that is Jamk ash is having qualified and experienced workforce in the pertain departments Workshop, Body Shop as well as front office where claims are entertained. 9. How would you rate the overall Jamkashs Workforce Service Supervisor/Advisor about product knowledge, behaviour, and approach till the delivery of your serviced car? Particulars Results Excellent 7 Good 11 Average 2 Bad - Very Bad - Total 20 Interpretation uttermost customers of Jamkash rated the workforce and Service Advisor as good.Some rated them as excellent while some rated as average. 55% rated as Good, 35% rated as excellent, and 10% rated them as average. It clearly states that the workforce of Jamkash Vehicleades is very much experienced and educated in their field without giving any chance of complaint to customer(s). ? 10. Have you planned to repurchase a car from Jamkash Vehicleades in future again? Options Results Yes 10 No 10 Total 20 Interpretation As such every customer of Jamkash is satisfied with its Qua lity sale and Service. But the 50% of them have not decided to repurchase the new car from Jamkash only.The reason might be the best deigns and offers given by the competitors can deviate the attention of the customers from MARUTI products. 11. Any Complaints/ Suggestions i Time taken for servicing the vehicle should be reduced. ii Approval of car loan should be done very quickly. iii Documentation Process should be done very fast. iv Some discounts and offers should be given also on services. v As such there is no problems with the servicing but the time taken is much so number of workers and mechanics should be increased to distribute the workload and get the customers car serviced quickly. i Complaints or grievances of the customers should be communicate and resolved immediately to save the precious time of the customers. Part-II Organizational Climate Study HR POLICY Q. 1. The recruitment process at Jamkash Vehicleades is fair? Options Results Yes 26 No 4 Total 30 Interpretatio n The recruitment process at Jamkash Vehicleades is very fair as 87 % of the employees of the organization agree with the statement. Whereas from the 13% of the employees who were against the statement I asked the reason, they replied that the recruitment process takes place on the personal reference basis in Jamkash.However from the survey it is clear that the major number of the employees is in favour of the statement and thus the recruitment process at Jamkash Vehicleades will be considered as fair. Q. 2. Have you been given the HR Manual, its hardcopy/ softcopy? Options Results HR Manual accustomed 13 HR Manual Not Given 17 Total 30 Options Results HR Manual Read 9 HR Manual Not Read 21 Total 30 Interpretation From the survey it was seen that only 43% of the employees have been given the HR Manual whereas the major number of employees i. e. 7%, have not received the same. Among the receivers only 9 persons (30%) have read it and the rest 70% are not aware of it. Although the ma jority of the employees are not aware about the HR manual and the Rules therein but still I found the good Co-ordination and Co-operation among the employees and all the processes were going on very smoothly. It is because all the employees belong to religious families. Q. 3. Are you satisfied with your current working conditions in Jamkash Vehicleades? Options Results Yes 19 No 11 Total 30 InterpretationJamkash Vehicleades has set its own example of its Quality Sale Service and has covered the maximum market share in the whole valley. It could be imagined that the employees of Jamkash are hardworking and dedicated. Survey has brought in front, the responses of the employees of Jamkash regarding their satisfaction level in the organization. 63% of the employees are satisfied with the current working environment of Jamkash Vehicleades. Whereas 37% of the employees reasoned their dissatisfaction that they are not satisfied with the salary and other benefits. Q. 4.I am aware about the insurance, income tax and provident fund policies of the organization Options Results Yes 22 No 8 Total 30 Interpretation Maximum number of employees at Jamkash Vehicleades are very well aware about their insurance, income tax and provident fund policies. As per the survey conducted it was found that 73% employees are aware about it and only 27% are not. The reason of the latter might be that they are new to the organization recruited recently and have not got enough information so immediately. Column1 Column2 1. strongly disaccord 6 2. Disagree 3 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4 . hold 13 5. powerfully agree 4 Total 30 ENVIRONMENT Q. 5. My work area offers me clean, comfortable, supportive and well organised working environment Interpretation 44% of the employees agree with the statement that their working environment is clean, comfortable and well organized. If we combine the above data we get that 57% are in favour of the statement and only 30% are against. Only 13% neither ag ree nor disagree with the statement that means they find their places clean and comfortable sometimes and sometimes not. Q. 6. My work environment is unclean and stressful Ranking Results 1. strongly disagree 6 2. Disagree 5 3. Neither agree nor disagree 9 4. summate 5 5. Strongly agree 5 Total 30 66% disagree 66% disagree Interpretation From the data it is clear that 66% of the staff disagree with the statement as they find their work place and surrounding environment clean, comfortable and unstressful. Jamkash Vehicleades has recruited the sweepers for every department who frequently clean the work area with the latest technical sweeping equipments. Also every employee takes it as his responsibility to keep his work area and whole department clean good-looking. Q. 7.Innovations/new ways of doing things are appreciated and liked by team leaders Ranking Results 1. Strongly disagree 2 2. Disagree 9 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4 4. Agree 10 5. Strongly agree 5 Total 30 Interpretat ion Innovation and New Ideas are the keys for the success and growth of any organization. Jamkash Vehicleades also consider employees suggestions and ideas as an asset for the benefit of the organization. After survey it was found that 50% of the employees agree that their proposals of new ways of doing things and innovative ideas are appreciated by the team leaders and senior management.Whereas only 37% of the employees disagree with the statement. 13% of the employees are neutral in their response. MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVENESS Ranking Results 1. Strongly disagree 3 2. Disagree 8 3. Neither agree nor disagree 2 4. Agree 12 5. Strongly agree 5 Total 30 Q. 8. I can communicate advantageously effectively with senior management and forward my grievances/ complaints regarding my work Interpretation Communication means sending and receiving the information to and fro. The better the communication process the better would be the results thereafter.As if Jamkash Vehicleades has a very good c ommunication system through which every employee can communicate with his colleagues and the senior management easily and forward his grievances / complaints. After the survey I also found that the maximum number of employees at Jamkash say that they can approach and communicate with the seniors easily in case of any difficulty. 57% agree with the statement, 37% disagree and only 6% are neutral. Q. 9. I am treated with respect by the management and acknowledge me for my contribution when organisations goals and objectives are achieved Ranking Results 1. Strongly disagree 4 2. Disagree 3 . Neither agree nor disagree 5 4. Agree 11 5. Strongly agree 7 Total 30 Interpretation Respect is the key factor for job satisfaction in the organization. Respect Others You Will Be Respected is a true proverb, but in addition I want to say, Respect Others and Get Things Done Easily. If the seniors in the company give respect to their juniors/ subordinates they will in turn give more respect and bett er results afterwards and also will get satisfied with their job as their social need got fulfilled. Here at Jamkash Vehicleades also I found that each and every employee is being respected and honoured by the seniors.Not only this CEO Mr. Irfan Ahmad and General Manager Col. Ayoub Khan personally interact with the employees frequently and treat them with respect and honour. 60% of the employees of Jamkash Vehicleades agree that they are respected by seniors. Q. 10. Management keeps all the necessary resources ready for me at every time Ranking Results 1. Strongly disagree 4 2. Disagree 7 3. Neither agree nor disagree 5 4. Agree 11 5. Strongly agree 3 Total 30 Interpretation Management in Jamkash Vehicleades is very good and has satisfied the majority of employees population so far.The above data shows it clearly that 57% of the staff agree with the statement. Whereas, 36% of staff disagree and only 17% are neutral. COMPETENCY Q. 11. I find my job Challenging Ranking Results 1. Stro ngly disagree 5 2. Disagree 3 3. Neither agree nor disagree 2 4. Agree 11 5. Strongly agree 6 Total 30 Interpretation Everybody wants to get a job that best suits him, in a well reputed company so as to satisfy his social and esteem needs. With such a vision and mission, Jamkash Vehicleades provides job opportunities for the local people.Majority of the people after selection found their job, work environment and the climate in the organization challenging on top level than other companies in the valley. 66% of the employees found their job as challenging only 27% disagree with the statement. Q. 12. I have attended Staff Development Programmes

Saturday, May 25, 2019

How to Write Case Analysis

Read a case at your normal speed without stopping to wage notes. Read the assignment at the end of the case (if there is an assignment), and then carefully read the entire case again, taking notes in the margins as you read. Your delegate is to identify problems in the case, formulate recommendations to solve these problems, and then write your analysis with the following four headings 1. Summary of the facts presented. 2. Analysis of the problems. 3. Recommendations for solutions to the problems. 4. Implications your recommendations pull up stakes have on the action of the arranging.Follow the above format even if there are Assignment questions at the end of the case. Important Weave the answers to the Assignment questions into your Recommendations section. As you write your case analysis, you mustiness include appropriate references to the assigned reading. Your references should be in the following formats For books and articles, (Brandenburger & Nalebuff, 1996. p. 126) and for meshing articles and material, (www. charleswarner. us/articles/BUDGETS. html. September, 2004). The date in the Web reference is the month you accessed a Web site.Do not include a bibliography or references section at the end of your case analysis unless you refer to books or articles that are not Required or Recommended Reading. Summary Begin your write-up with a concise synthesis of the facts in the case, under the heading Summary. Stick to one or two sentences and do not mystify any discussion of problems or recommendations for solutions in this section. Analysis The closely fundamental section of your case analysis comes next, under the heading Analysis. This section should be the longest, most thorough section of your write-up.Managers cannot solve problems unless they can first identify them. Recognizing problems and then understanding the nature of the problems is the proper beginning of all managerial action. Solutions widely distributedly return in place relati vely easily once problems are recognized and understood. There are often several viable solutions to problems in a case, except you cannot implement any of them if you cannot identify the problems. It is important that there are references to the assigned reading in the Analysis section.Your grade will depend, to a large degree, on how many appropriate, relevant, references you include in your write-up. Recommendations Next, write your recommendations on to how to solve the problems in a section titled Recommendations. Put the solutions in order of priority. It is vitally important that you include references to the assigned reading in the Recommendations section, too. If there are questions or assignments at the end of the case, weave your answers into the Recommendations section of the case.Implications. Finally, in your Implications section you should elaborate what implications your recommendations will have on the operation of the organization in the short and long term and w hat broader policy implications your recommendations might have not only on your organization but also on the business community, if there are any. In other words, if your recommendations are implemented, what changes will the organization and the business community in general have to make in the way they do things now and in the future? Include appropriate references in this section, too.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Depression : the Challenge on 21st Century Women Essay

DEPRESSION A CHALLENGE ON 21ST CENTURY WOMENThe World health giving medication (WHO) and the World Bank discovered that slump is the fourth most disabling disease in the world, and is predicted to be the second largest contributor to the overall disease burden by 2020.Women experience depression twice as often as men. The ratio of 21 in depression between women and men has been invariable between different epidemiological studies over time (Bebbington, Dunn, Jenkin, Lewis, Brugha, Farell,& Meltzer, 1998). Surveys on clinical and superior general population show consistent results.Over the course of a lifetime, depression occurs in approximately 20% of women compared with 10% of men. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) study in 1980 shows a lifetime depression of 10.2% in the general population, of which 70% are women and 30% men (Nolen-Hoeksema, 1990).According to the survey on psychiatric morbidity in Malaysian adults in 1996 (Maniam, Ding, Lim, Toh, Aziz et al., 1 997), using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12) administered to 35,733 respondents aged 16 years and above, depression and anxiety were the main psychological symptoms reported. The estimated prevalence of emotional disorders was higher in women (10.5%) as compared to men (8.5%), with higher range reported in Negeri Sembilan and other states in East Peninsular including Pahang, Kelantan, Terengganu, and Sabah. The highest rate was reported among widows (29.1%) and divorcees (20.5%).On these centuries, women are facing too much problem that cogency cause a depression among them. A family is members are the people who we almost closed and see every day. However, on this decade, there are large populations with womens become independent. Some evermore left at home by husband and childrens who going to work, schools, and study overseas or draw a bead onting espouse again. From an interview with Pn.Nor, she was a independent and hardworking woman. She get the disorder when her brother betrayed herand find out that her husband has remarried somebody else. That is show how family is a main caused to women to get these disorders.Other than that, financial is a real matters. There are a cases from Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang, where there is a patient died from suicide. It was a Indian women, she feel drear and has no courage to life because her husband has pass away. With no source of money, she could not send her children to schools, paying tuition, buy household items and such as. At the end, she render to suicide.Changing a jobs or workplace also can be a factor. Some management need their workers increased their sale, assets and such as in limited time. Co-workers like to spread gossips and had negative perceptions towards newbie. In a workplace, womens get to many problems such as sexual harassment, defamation and others.For some people, a tragic event that happened in recent, or even the distant past still brings great sorrow to them. They a llow their minds to dwell on it when they should have let it go long ago so that they can move on with their lives. In life, sad experiences are aplenty Tragic events are inevitable such as the death of a dearly loved one or unanticipated such as the breakup of an intimate relationship.Social network such as twitter, facebook and myspace had a terrible effect especially on womens such as teenagers, who often chatting with strangers and a women who been tricked with black money agenda. For a women who facing estimable illness on family or herself, it could give impact to them emotionally. There are occupational therapy patient which she could not use her hand properly. It is hard to work when always depend to people. She even could not tie her hair, brush her teeth, cooking or do anything because she could not move or even feel the hand was there.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The History Of Foreign Direct Investment Economics Essay

The history of extraneous Direct Investment can be traced back to the yearss of the colonial epoch.During the colonial yearss, there was the guide for an oversee investing every bit good as transportation of managerial accomplishments. This was due to the rough direction of the baby industries in Nigeria as at that clip.Right from indep wipeoutency in 1960, Nigeria recognized the importance of external finance in make fulling or lending to make full the domestic dwell eggs spread, the impertinent exchange spread and the applied science spread in development. It was non, until 1957, when the tell becomes autonomous that a more positive action towards foreign great and peculiarly Foreign Direct Investment replaced the laissez faire policy of the pure colonial epoch. Get downing from the twelvemonth, five Acts of Parliament provided a bundle of inducements for foreign investors. These take on broad revenue enhancement vacations, accelerated depreciation allowances, securities in dustry protection, freedom to convey in and repatriate capital and net incomes, and a more aureate and competitory environment. These were embodied in the Industrial Development ( Import Duties Relief ) Act 1957, the Industrial Development ( Income Tax Relief ) Act 1958, the Customs Duties ( Dumped and support Goods ) Act 1958, the imposts ( Draw back ) Regulations 1959 and the Income Tax ( Amendment ) Act 1959.DEFINITION OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTForeign Direct Investment can be defined as an investing that is make to get a permanent direction involvement in a concern endeavor operating in a state other than that of the investor defined harmonizing to residence World Bank ( 1996 ) . M. Sornarajah ( 2010 ) defined Foreign Direct Investment as the transportation of touchable or intangible plus from one state to another for the intent of their usage in that state to bring forth wealth under the sum or partial control of the proprietor of the assets . Okomoh ( 2004 ) depict For eign Direct Investment as non merely for the transportation of capital but besides widening an endeavor from its place state into foreign armament state. Practically, Foreign Direct Investment means exerting corporate control over international boundaries.2.3 THEORIES OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTTheory of Foreign Direct Investment can be traced back to Hymer ( 1960 ) in his work On Multinational Corporations and Foreign Direct Investment , where he stated that since autochthonal houses have better cognition of their topical anesthetic environment more than foreign houses, the latter will merely be able to vie if they possess other advantages to counterbalance for their disadvantages of operating in foreign sites . Besides, foreign direct investings are common where imperfectnesss exist in a market. This means that the theory of perfect competition is non likely to work in instances Foreign Direct Investment. Theory of Foreign Direct Investment can therefore handily be explaine d under two classs Micro ( Industrial Organisation ) theories and Macro-finance ( exist of capital ) theories. Harmonizing to Caves ( 1971 ) , the focal point is normally on market imperfectnesss, every bit good as the aspiration of Multinational Corporations to spread out their market power normally on market.Uniting micro and macro accounts, some theories had emerged justify Foreign Direct Investment from positions of the investment houses and the receiver economic systems.Theory OF debauched EXPLANATIONHarmonizing to this theory, following Caves explanation before stated, a house will go on to put at place until optimal degree of investing at place is reached and farther investing will do Fringy Cost to be higher than Average Cost and monetary value per unit of end product. This theory thrives good utilizing the microeconomic behavior of houses. The decision of the account is that every bit long as the projected accrued hereafter net income borders warrants preface outgo, a u ndertaking is said to be feasible. This theory is non realistic as it does non set into consideration export selling and behavior of Multinational Corporations that operates under innovative marketsINTANGIBLE ASSETS EXPLANATIONThe intangible assets explanation provinces that Foreign Direct Investment of the Multinational Corporations have some proprietary cognition or intangible assets such as engineering and techniques that guarantee efficiency, patents, designs, hallmarks, trade name names, trade secrets and know-how which other houses have no entree to. These assets possess similar features of public goods in the sense that they can be exploited by different houses ( within the transnational system ) without consuming their utility. Because of this property of Pareto Optimality , the usage of the proprietary assets can be optimized by spread military expedition abroad. For case, Coke trade name name is recognized world-wide and Coca-Cola will do more return from the hallmark when more workss are constructed. It is of import to observe action for export can non be an alternate to locating a fabrication workss because of the transit cost associated with export every bit good as fortuity of trade barriers. On whether a licensing understanding would hold been another option, the finding of royalty payment is ever really subjective, while authorities of developing states do hold terrible influence on such an option and many Multinational Corporations are non normally ready to portion such assets.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Civic Engagement

polite Eng ripenment and Political Aw arness in the younker of America Change is inevitable and the popular one hit wonder, Video Killed the Radio protagonist, echoes a nostalgic desire to appreciate the past. The simple, yet meaningful verse, we sesst rewind weve gone too far, drives home the notion that the past is in the past, and one rat only move forward. The song directly relates to technological changes in music at that time period.The lyrics give the impression communicate will be replaced by visually stimulating music videos however, the future has proved that radio has not been replaced music has merely been enhanced by the continuous change of technological advancements. Political scientist and professor, Robert Putnam illustrates in his book, Bowling Alone Americas Declining br otherly Capital, how one of the primary culprits in the tumble of political knowingness and polite usage is the new media, for example, the Internet. Further studies suggest this is not necessarily the case.Video Killed the Radio Star mirrors the relentless argument of whether the mass media has hindered or assisted in political aw areness and civil action in adolescents and upstart adults. The radio made the great unwashed famous, and even after music videos became popular, music was still streamed through a radio and continues to be practiced to this day. Studies let shown that polite engagement and political awareness has declined, at all age levels, and yet in that location is evidence that the mass media can grow a positive effect on cultivating social capital, in particular in the interest of young voters in America.The issue at hand is not mass media, but how mass media can be used as a means to stay informed on lodge issues and how it can create a sense of community. In the article, Americas Youth and confederation Engagement How Use of Mass Media is Related to Civic Activity and Political Awareness in 14- to 22-Year-Olds, the authors begin by pro viding troubling evidence, Voter turnout in congressional and presidential elections has dropped since 1960 Americans are less involved in political activities ranging from signing petitions to attending rallies (Pasek, Kenski, Romer, and Jamieson 115).Putnam compares the decline in polite engagement to the massive decline of bowling leagues however, as bowling memberships are declining, the number of stack bowling has increase. He explains the concept of a bonding capital and a bridging capital at bottom the social capital as a whole. The theory of bonding and bridging can also be described in terms of strong ties and sick ties of net processing.profs Homero Gil de Zuniga and Sebastian Valenzuela explored Putnams research further in their article, The Mediating Path to a Stronger Citizenship Online and Offline Networks, Weak Ties and Civic Engagement, finding it inclusive that bridging, or associating with weak ties provide one with a great net on the job(p) base, and and so more(prenominal)(prenominal) than nurture and resources. Bridging and weak ties are when an individual socializes with commonwealth who are different from themselves. Bonding and strong ties are individuals who are linked to all(prenominal) other on varying levels of intimacy for example, ones inner circle of friends and family.Putnam additionally points out that bonding and bridging strengthen each other. Because of the decline of bonding, there is a decline in bridging, which he links to the drop of organizational forms of capital due to the mass media. Like Putnam, authors Zuniga and Valenzuela agree that larger networks foster civic participation so long as they provide access to weak ties, yet they take into consideration that the internet is vast with diversity and is not geographically bounded, and therefore argue that the online context should be more strongly associated with weak-tie communication than the offline context (405).According to Zuniga and Valenzuela, this connection shows that internet based networks and weak ties will be more effective than the relationship between personal, offline networking and weak ties. The authors mentioned earlier, Josh Pasek, Kate Kenski, Daniel Romer, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson conducted a telephone comply to assess 12 different uses of mass media as considerably as awareness of current national politics and time spent in civic activities in respect to the youth and how mass media is related to political awareness and civic activity (115).If the conclusion made by Zuniga and Valenzuela is accurate, then the new media will subscribe a positive effect on the junior cosmoss role in developing social capital. Historically, when print media flourished, it served as a way to stay in touch with the community of readers with no face-to-face interaction and made possible the development of the modern nation state (117). Internet is just another mechanism to build social networks, in which interpersonal communi cation is absent, like the newspaper.However, unlike the newspaper, internet provides individuals with an extensive opportunity to network with people who are not in their inner circle, thus weak ties are created. Furthermore, Pasek, Kenski, Romer, and Jamieson examine how some forms of media are more effective than others, and explain how media that solely exists to entertain adolescents and young adults can aid in promoting group activities with individuals that can share their fuck offs and develop a sense of community.They are still experiencing social participation, even if the activity is not directly associated with civic activities. The authors evaluated the 12 different uses of mass media and assessed each media variable based on if it improved political awareness or civic engagement, or both. The researchers also included demographic predictors that would correspond with the need age, race, gender, and socioeconomic status. It is apparent that adults would have a higher amount of political knowledge. The average education level in our sample was 10. years of schooling Of respondents, 78. 9 percent were currently students, which would give them the edge since there are more opportunities to become involved in community service activities and clubs the schools have to offer. Some schools bring community service to graduate. Socioeconomic status also plays a role in political awareness and civic engagement. This correlates directly to the fact that individuals who are wealthier have the resources and means to educate their children and are probably highly educated as well.Race and gender is yet another factor in evaluating political knowledge and civic engagement, whereas whites appear more politically aware than Blacks, Hispanics, and other non-Whites however, race has not been as strongly related in one direction or the other in regards to civic engagement, and women, on average, belong to more associations and organizations than men but tend to ex hibit less political knowledge (123).The results of How Use of Mass Media is Related to Civic Activity and Political Awareness in 14- to 22- Year-Olds, revealed that if media usage change magnitude in frequency, it had a negative impact on political awareness and civic engagement, which is to be expected. Although reading remained positive, the results showed individuals took longer to develop a well-rounded political knowledge base if their reading increased. This is the cause of a decrease in active engagement with others. The authors could not predict if newspapers increased civic activity, however, it was evident that it increased political awareness.Civic activity was strongly related to political awareness, and the findings also concluded that the Internet increased civic engagement, along with listening to news on the radio, fol pitiableing shows on television, and reading magazines. Not only were civic activities found to be directly related to political awareness, but the media had an overall positive effect on civic engagement and political knowledge. In his research, Putnam fails to assess new ways to approach civic engagement and political awareness, and instead looks to the senile.Relating civic engagement to the decline of bowling leagues seems futile to the reader, especially to a young adult. As society changes, activities change people change. The youth of today are more interested in modern technology, which is why more candidates should reevaluate how they approach the younger generation in regards to the elections and fool use of the Internet during elections. Because young voters are growing up in a time when technology is usually readily available to them, they look broadly speaking to the web for political tuition.Youth turnout for the 2004 elections showed marked increases. Most likely prompted by the war in Iraq, intense efforts were made to ensure younger generations were actively engage throughout the campaigns. New media tool s were also used, with web positions put up that cerebrate on attracting the younger population to politics an estimated 28 percent of 18- 29-year-olds received most of their information about the campaigns via the Internet in 2004, making them the age group most reliant on new media for political information about the election (Xenos and Bennett 444).However, in the article The Disconnection in Online Politics, Michael Xenos and W. Lance Bennett stress the fact that although younger voters are participating online, they are less likely to visit a site that is sponsored by a specific party or electoral candidate. Unfortunately, politicians are very slow when adapting to the modern world of technology, and do not make use of the web to attract young voters. On sites like Rock the Vote, they give young voters access to interactive features, and yet links to websites with related political information and resources are not easily accessible.Young voters only attain a morsel of informa tion from youth engagement websites. Between 2002 and 2004, Xenos and Bennett conducted an extensive analysis of political sites that focused on youth involvement, as well as electoral sites, and they found the overall pattern is one of overlap (456). The candidates websites were not designed to attract young voters. They merely addressed the same issues on their sites as seen on the youth sites however, on the electoral sites they clearly were not reaching out to the younger population of voters.Professional consultants correlate politicians indifference to youth voters because senior citizens have a higher voting rate. Xenos and Bennett express their disappointment, younger voters who ignore politicians mostly do so because politicians largely ignore them (457). It is ironic because voters are less involved in politics due to politicians lack of interest in their appeals, and politicians show disregard for the youth because of their low voting turnout and vice versa.If politician s, our leaders, are putting the youth aside, who is going to devote the time to inform the younger generation of the importance on civic activities and political awareness? In correlation with the decline of adult involvement in social participation and volunteering, people simply do not have the time or energy to devote to their own needs, let alone join a civic organization. In todays society, both parents work to make ends meet.There are usually a higher percentage of female volunteers to male volunteers, but now that women are taking on raising children, housework, and working an additional 15 hours per week than men, the idea of becoming involved in community activities is overwhelming. The economy is in a stale state, and since the 1970s, the percentage of single mothers has increased dramatically (Freedman 246). Children are being isolated more often than not, which can also result in the disregard for community and civic engagement.Mentoring programs are unreliable, and umt een adolescents and young adults are left in the dark without an adult role model In his essay Building Community, John Gardner Miriam and Peter Haas Centennial Professor at Stanford Business School offers both consolation and wisdom about the historical process of community erosion and renewal disintegration of human communities is as old as human history We cant know all the forms community will take, but we know the values and the kinds of supporting structures we want to preserve. We are a community building species.We might become remarkably ingenious at creating new forms of community for a swiftly changing world. (Freedman 248) Robert Putnam insists on looking at to the old, and if he must, he should look at the potential of civic renewal in the volunteering of senior citizens. Over the past thirty years, the population of Americans over the age of 65 has doubled and will continue to increase. Marc Freedman, the author of the article, Towards Civic Renewal, Journal of Geron tological Social Work, expresses his faith in the nations retirees to change the decline of volunteerism in the U.S. , where children are in need of the most help. If children at an earlier age gained better insight into what it means to have a sense of community and belonging, they would have a better awareness of civic engagement and a broader knowledge base of politics on the state, local, and national level. Senior citizens also have the time, and there is evidence that implies older adults are looking to stay active in their communities As one recent U. S Administration on Aging-sponsored survey reveals, a full 37. percent of older Americans say they would volunteer if asked, while an additional 25. 6 percent already volunteering indicate that they would like to devote more time to service, and they prefer to work with the younger generation (Freedman 249). Not only will it help the children, but it will also help the senior citizens. 55 percent of seniors feel a sense of usel essness when they retire a 25-yr National Institute of Mental Health study finds, for example, that highly organized activity is the single strongest predictor, other than not smoking, of longevity and vitality (Freedman 250).The local and federal government is known for lost proposals. Perhaps some of them would have been successfully plotted out and put into action if accepted, and Freedman makes the idea of senior involvement seem feasible. Freedman provides the reader with examples of effective programs in community involvement created by the older population one example is a union-sponsored initiative that helps nonviolent juvenile offenders find and keep blue-collar jobs. Freedman goes onto explain to doubtful readers that are thinking, where is this money going to come from? Americas budget is steadily falling into a rabbit hole, and yet the author is confident in the talent, experience and commitment of older adults, and their ability to organize well and get tasks completed quickly and effectively (252). Civic engagement and political awareness is declining because of the absence of an excite role model in the youth of today, and this program shows romise of creating a healthier sense of community for the older and the younger generations. Reiterating authors, Homero Gil de Zuniga and SebastianValenzuelas earlier consensus, the decline in civic engagement is not the consequence of the mass media and modern age of technology. The importance of weak ties through the Internet is actually seen through the web of networking that people from all over the world create, which ignites a stronger relationship in civic participation than networking face-to-face with weak ties.This finding was reinforced by the study on various media uses in the article How Use of Mass Media is Related to Civic Activity and Political Awareness in 14- to 22- Year-Olds, where the end result is conclusive with Zuniga and Valenzuelas evidence. The media can enhance civic engagement and political awareness if used sparingly and in the right context. The mind is a double edged sword. It has large power and it is capable of accomplishing both useful and destructive feats. (Atharva Veda http//thinkexist. com/quotes/atharva_veda/). It is not the media that is destructive.The minds of the populace are ignoring the real issue at hand. The mind could be used more effectively in developing new ideas to encourage civic engagement and political awareness in the younger population. The media actually promotes civic participation and therefore is directly related to political awareness overall the media has a positive effect on social capital. It is the communities job to instill these values on the children so they can grow into informed adults and have their own opinions and ideas, passing those values onto their children and so on.Bibliography Freedom, Mark. Towards Civic Renewal. Journal of Gerontological Social Work 28. 3 (1997) 243-63. EBSCOhost. The Haworth Press , Inc. , 11 Oct. 2008. Web. 1 Oct. 2011. . Pasek, Josh, Kate Kenski, Daniel Romer, and Kathleen H. Jamieson. Americas Youth andCommunity Engagement How Use of Mass Media Is Related to Civic Activity andPolitical Awareness in 14- to 22-Year-Olds DeepDyve. 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