Thursday, May 30, 2019

Theme of Hardship in The Grapes of Wrath Essay -- essays research pape

The Grapes of Wrath In the souls of the people, the grapes of wrath atomic number 18 filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage. This quote explains the whole book. It shows the people chip for their lives from the many hardships they face. Also, it shows that there is ups and downs in life and sometimes facing the wrath that life gives us. The first hardship in the book is when the Joads are forced saturnine their land. They have to overcome losing their home and basically their life. Also, the Joads can relate to many people because the bank took over their life. ?The bank is something more than,it?s the monster.? (33) This passage is real right because the bank takes over everything in everyone?s life. Next, the Joads had to become bigger than themselves. They had to drop their life and move to a different state. When they ar rived in California they were non accepted for who they are. To them California is a whole new universe. They were taunted and called ?Okies.? But, even before that Grandma Joad died, leaving Mama Joad very depressed. Then being to poor to support a funeral they had to just bury grandma in a random spot. The setting and time rate of flow would change the factor of the Joads life.First, if the Joads lived in this time period many of their hardships would be different. They wouldn?t have to live in a camp and the government would support them. When the Joads live in the camp they experience the founder part of their journey, While at Camp Weedpatch they receiveshelter and the essentials for every... ...he question of the book is when life gets hard stick through it and live as the high hat you can. The Joads answered the question. Life became hard for them and they stuck through it. At the very beginning they could have gave up but the y didn?t. They had a plan and went through with it. That?s why the Joads are ro-models for the families struggling. Steinbeck?s quote ?My whole work drive has been aimed at making people understand each new(prenominal).? This is also what the book is about. Understanding each other is the key to surviving. In conclusion, this book explains life itself. It shows life is not perfect and sometimes giving up everything is the way to survive. There is going to be hardships in life and there?s not. In the end, understand each other and never give up.

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